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Episode 2.01: Brushfire!

Started by Davy, aka GM, February 14, 2020, 05:58:38 PM

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Davy, aka GM

OOC: No worries. So, keep the initiative (2 Momentum)? Remember, if you send someone in to rescue Kowalski, you still have the Cover Fire Advantage available to you.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: As per the FB group, I vote to keep Initiative at cost of 2 Momentum.

Doug Burke

Banks surveys the battlefield and her eyes end up resting on Kowalski laying out in the open, not moving.

No, she thinks. Not today!

She squeezes off a shot at the cluster of Apellans to the east and runs with all her might to Kowalski, yelling all the way and hoping to get him moved to safety quickly.

K, so, here's the plan. Ally is going to shoot at the guy she already hit once. Then she's going to challenge her "Try to Keep Your Head Down" Value by running into the middle of a firefight to save one of her crewmates in order to gain a point of Determination, that she will use to perform the task of picking Kowalski up and booking it to some place less lead-infested.
Sound good?

Ally Lever-Action Rifle Shot:
Control (10) + Security (4) = 14, Difficulty 2

Rolled 2d20 : 13, 16, total 29

Not sure what kind of task you want me to roll for the rescue, Fitness + Security, maybe?
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Doug Burke

I screwed up my italics. :( And I can't fix it because of the die roll... :(

Oh, and I missed.  But that's okay. Kowalski's the important part.
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Patrick Goodman

Does the Cover Fire advantage not aid in the shooting part? That would make it a D1 Task, and a success.
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Doug Burke

That's a good point. What do you think, Davy?
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Sorry for the delay. Been a hectic week at work (last-minute design projects to spend end-of-year money).

So, I had to go back and look at the wording of the original request and my response. I think the original idea of the scope was limited to rescuing the injured men, but I think that it makes sense to have cover fire restricting the enemy's ability to respond (both offensively and defensively) to being shot at, too. So, yes, the Cover Fire Advantage will apply to Ally's attack. Roll her 7[CD] damage. The Apellan will have 4[CD] cover (because he's being pinned down).

Now, for her next trick of trying to rescue Kowalski, this task will be a Daring + Security vs. Difficulty 2 (reduced to Difficulty 1 by Cover Fire).
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

Okie dokie.

Rifle Damage 7[CD]:
Rolled 7d6 : 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 4, total 23

And the rescue attempt, Daring (8) + Security (4) = 12 total, Difficulty 1

Rolled 2d20 : 9, 20, total 29

*crosses fingers*
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Doug Burke

Not bad! But I would like to use 2 Momentum to buy off that complication...
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."


Davy, aka GM

OOC: AEW-M 4[CD] Cover
Rolled 4d6 : 6, 3, 1, 6, total 16
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 6 Damage vs. 3 Resistance. AEW-M takes 3 Stress.

Ally's shot hits flesh along the man's torso and he drops back behind cover, cursing his bad luck. The petty officer races forward, grabs Kowalski under his arms, and starts for cover. She stumbles, but is able to (barely) keep her footing and gets her injured teammate behind the rocks near Dietrich and Cole.

One of the Apellans ahead of the landing party flips his rifled musket around like a giant club and bears down on Tann-Tyra.

OOC: AEW-"r" Fitness + Security (10/4) vs. Difficulty 1.
Rolled 2d20 : 10, 13, total 23

Remaining Stress
Treyva 10
Cole* 17 11 6 Injury
Ally* 14 8
Tann-Tyra 14
Kowalski* 12 9 0 Injury/Stable
Dietrich 12

* Has Avoided Injury and not yet successfully Recovered.

Kowalski and Dietrich have Control 10, Daring 10, Fitness 9, Command 2, Security 2, and Medicine 1. Their stat line for the Repeater is Ranged, 5 [CD], Vicious 1, Deadly.

Damage Taken
AEW-M -4 -7
AEW-P* -10

AEW-r 0
AEW-u 0
AEW-v 0
AEW-w 0

Momentum 3
Threat 1

Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
More Aggressive Strategy Advantage (Tyreen)
Educated Guess Advantage (when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Help Is On the Way Advantage (Styles' landing party in the current battle, representing Tyreen reinforcements)
Cover Fire Advantage (Landing party vs. the elite Apellan ambush)
Gun Jammed Complication (Apellan Elite Warrior "P")

Weapon: Repeating Rifle (ranged, 3+Sec [CD], Vicious 1, Deadly)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 1 Threat generated. AEW-"r" spends that Threat, plus 1 other to immediately perform a Swift Task.

The Apellan warrior follows up his maneuver with a powerful overhand blow against the Deltan officer.

OOC: This will be opposed Daring + Security tasks vs. Difficulty 1.

AEW-"r" Daring + Security (11/4) vs. Difficulty 1, increased to Difficulty 2 by his Swift Task.
Rolled 2d20 : 12, 11, total 23
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Tann-Tyra acts to try and ward off the blow

OOC: Daring (8) + Security (4) vs. Difficulty 1

Rolled 2d20 : 11, 19, total 30