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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Davy, aka GM

The science officer slips between Cole and the wall and moves quickly in the darkness toward the faint outline of a lump that he thinks is Spunkmeyer's form. Just as he reaches the man, however, Tobin's footing all but disappears in an instant and he lands unceremoniously on his backside, tricorder tumbling against Spunkmeyer's body.

He feels a viscous liquid on his hands and realizes it has the consistency of blood. And lots of it.

OOC: Okay, now we need a Daring + Medical task from Tobin at Difficulty 1. Voshen will arrive in time - and his augmented vision allows him to see the blood ahead of time and avoid a similar fall - so he can also help with a Daring + Medical assist.

Momentum 2
Threat 5
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: We probably don't really need it, but I think Tobin would have a very "dang it Spunkmeyer, you're not gonna die on my watch!" attitude. So I'm gonna use that Determination on Perfect Opportunity for real this time.

Daring 9 + Medicine 2 vs. Difficulty 1. I think his Survival focus might apply here?
Rolled 2d20 : 15, 12, total 27


OOC: It's looking more like using Determination was a good call after all!

Davy, aka GM

OOC: I see 2 Successes for Tobin (thanks to his Perfect Opportunity), which allows the 1 success from Voshen to be added. 3 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 2 Momentum generated.

What would you like to do with them?

Momentum 2 (2 pending, Tobin)
Threat 5

The science officer immediately sets to work on the injured Spunkmeyer, and Voshen's timely arrival provides must needed assistance as they stem the profuse bleeding and stabilize the patient. Even though he's out of immediate danger, Tobin knows he needs a doctor right away - and he remembers where one is in this refuge: T'Laang, the abbey's healer.

Drake follows the Zaranite across the room, trusting his better vision to avoid hazards. She pauses as he bends down to assist Tobin - even though she can barely see her shipmate in the darkness, worry clouds her features at the urgent pace with which the officers were treating him. Sighing away the urge to weep, the specialist moves over to where Lt. Cole is looking for a means to secure the perp.

"Sir," she announces as she draws a pair of manacles from a side pouch in her armor. "I made sure I brought a pair, just in case."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Things that are outstanding as I see it, in no particular order.

1. Spunkmeyer needs to get to a medical professional.
2. The weapon needs to be scanned.
3. You folks still need to find the transport device.

How would you folks like to proceed?
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on July 31, 2024, 12:41:52 PM"Sir," she announces as she draws a pair of manacles from a side pouch in her armor. "I made sure I brought a pair, just in case."

"Good work," Cole smiles tightly at the specialist, "Slap those on our suspect there, and feel free to stun him if he so much as twitches."

Seeing the worry in her eyes he continues, "We'll make sure that he gets nailed for the assault on Spunkmeyer, if nothing else."

Seeing the specialist move to restrain the unconscious Vulcan, Cole pulls his tricorder from a side pouch and moves over to the discarded weapon, intending to scan it for evidence.


Hastily wiping the blood from his right hand, Tobin nods gratefully to Voshen and flips open his communicator. "Les to T'Kiri. Spunkmeyer is down, in need of urgent medical attention. Please fetch T'Laang as quickly as possible. We're looking at massive blood loss, probable internal injuries."

Davy, aka GM

Even with the short-distance point-to-point call, the intervening wall adds a little interference in the line. T'Kiri's response is crackle-y as she acknowledges. Cole hears her voice filter down from the top of the stairs, instructing Nahwoor to retrieve their healer with haste. The second-master assents and departs.

Meanwhile, the security officer's scan of the blade shows it's been cleaned recently - within the last several hours, and Spunkmeyer's blood dominates any organic matter he can find.

OOC: For further information, Insight + Security vs. Difficulty 2.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


With Spunkmeyer stabilized for the moment, Voshen straightened up and awkwardly wiped his hands clean on his uniform, thankful for the maroon of the fabric and the darkness of the chamber.

Moving over to the stunned form of Kavoran, Voshen leveled his tricorder at the body, scanning it for any hidden technology.

OOC: Voshen's scanning for a hidden device, something anomalous that would either transport him out of here, or interface with some nearby technology that could.
-- RG

Davy, aka GM

Quote from: socrates200X on August 01, 2024, 01:52:11 PMOOC: Voshen's scanning for a hidden device, something anomalous that would either transport him out of here, or interface with some nearby technology that could.

OOC: I'll take an Insight + Engineering task vs. Difficulty 1, since you folks know what you're looking for.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on August 01, 2024, 01:26:04 PMOOC: For further information, Insight + Security vs. Difficulty 2.

OOC: Insight (9) + Security (5) roll

Rolled 2d20 : 5, 7, total 12


OOC: Two successes for that roll. If applicable, i'll spend the point of Momentum to Obtain Information to try and get even more from the scan.


Rolling Insight (10) + Engineering (3), maaaaybe Exotic Particles Focus?  Otherwise, no Focus.

Spending 1 Momentum to buy 1d20.

Rolled 3d20 : 5, 4, 3, total 12

-- RG

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Sorry about the delay. Life got busy for a minute.

2 Successes vs. Difficulty 2. Success!

Cole finds a microscopic speck of blood lodged into one of the preserved nicks, covered by a streak of mineral oil. The tricorder says it's several hours old and doesn't belong to Spunkmeyer.

OOC: What is the question Cole would like answered with an Obtain Information spend?

No Exotic Particles focus this time. What you're looking for is standard Federation-level electronics.

That said, 3 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 2 Momentum generated!

Momentum 4 (2 pending, Voshen)
Threat 5

Voshen expected the device he was seeking would be kept tightly on the assailant's person, but the navigator instead finds a couple meters away, likely dislodged by Cole's unarmed strike and sent under one of the ancient wood and stone workbenches.

But, there it is, nonetheless, a small ovoid casing with only a couple unlabeled buttons that are difficult to discern from the rest of smooth composite material. The signature matches perfectly.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


A clue!  🕵

Let's spend one of the pending Momentum on an Obtain Info.  Voshen believes the device to be too small to perform a transport all on its own.  It must be a signal to a larger receiver. 

Hence: "Where is the receiving technology that this device transmits to?"
-- RG