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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Davy, aka GM

Tobin & Cole
"Better...ish," Miguel responds. "There's still a lot of interference from that sandstorm, but I'm getting every word now. Who can I get for you?"
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


"Good to hear your voice, mate," Cole says, "I need you to contact the Vulcan authorities and request all records for a monk named Kavoran. We need to find out anything there is to know about him. Get back to me as soon as you can, MIguel. It's important."


Voshen reaches the monastery gate and braves the storm.  Fitness + Security, Diff 2 (TN 11).

No applicable Focus.  Buying 1d20 with 1 Momentum.

Rolled 3d20 : 13, 20, 1, total 34

-- RG

Davy, aka GM

Tobin & Cole
"On it," Miguel's voice responds. The line is silent, save the slight sound of interference in the background, a signal of just how shaky the connection it at the moment. Sooner than expected, Miguel returns. "It looks like we have Kavoran's official file in our database...I see Mr. Les' tricorder is nearby; data packet incoming."

A couple seconds later, Tobin's tricorder beeps that it is receiving data. The transfer takes about 10 seconds, start to finish. The information in the file is relatively sparse:

Kavoran, son of Satrik
Male, Raali*
104 standard years old (translates to an Earth-year birth of 2185)

Graduate of Shakan-Geros Academy (date translates to Earth year 2207) - Three-with-Merit, Anthropology

The following notes are recent additions by T'Kiri:
Brother of Shival Overlook Monastery of tuJarok since (date translates to Earth year 2211)
- serves as master weaponsmith at monastery

* This means he hails from the province of Raal. -Ed.

This means, potentially, that Kavoran has been working on and training with bladed weapons for more than three-quarters of a century.

OOC: Acknowledging spending 1 Momentum to Create Opportunity. (Man, that spend saved Voshen's bacon!)

2 Successes vs. Difficulty 2. Success, plus 1 Complication generated. Voshen takes 1 Stress.

Momentum 4
Threat 3

As Voshen exits through the main gate, the wind's heat and velocity seem to suddenly pick up, whipping around and threatening to carry his cloak off with it. However, the navigator makes it to the safety of the shuttle's interior...although he's certain the spacecraft has moved several centimeters since landing....

OOC: Control + Engineering vs. Difficulty 2, assisted by the Dubilier's Computers + Engineering (TN 6).
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Voshen's long fingers grasped onto the edge of the Dubilier, nearly ripping away with another stinging desert gust.  He continued to brace himself against the force of the heated wind as the shuttle's entry hatch slowly yawned open.  Pulling himself inside, the hatch spent another long cycle closing until at last, the howl of the storm lessened into an ongoing hiss and vibration of sand.  The whole shuttle shuddered, and now standing within, Voshen stopped to shift his balance from one foot to the other.


The shuttle's attitude readouts confirmed his sensation: it had already traversed 8 cm from its original landing position, and its pitch ran downwards nearly 2 degrees.

"You and I are going to have a talk about this sudden habit of wandering, but it'll have to wait." 

He began a gradual power-up of the shuttle engines.  After a moment, an audible fwoomp! sounded as several kilograms of sand ejected from the ramscoops.  Leaving the shuttle's engines to warm and continue to clear sand, Voshen turned his attention to the interior...

Rolling Control + Engineering (TN 12), Diff 2.
• Possible Helm Operations Focus
• Possible use of Chief Navigator Role to make this a Conn roll instead of an Engineering one.  If so, TN becomes 13.
• Assisted by the Dubilier herself, Computers + Engineering (TN 6)

Rolled 2d20 : 19, 2, total 21

Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9

-- RG


Using Technical Expertise Talent to re-roll Voshen's rolled 19:

Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17
-- RG

Davy, aka GM

OOC: I will allow the Helm Operations focus, as you're prepping for flight from the flight control console. And, yes, this is a bit of a stretch regarding the RAW on "analyze and repair" with regards to flight, propulsion, or astrogation, but I think it's enough of a technical requirement to pass muster for the Chief Navigator role.

With that, 2 Successes for Voshen and no help from the sand-logged aquashuttle; 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 2. Success!

Momentum 4
Threat 3

The shuttle's systems seem to whine and groan in protest against the navigator's admonition, but the engines finally come to life, blasting out accumulated sand and debris, which disappear quickly into the storm. Sensors indicate the storm is stronger than it was when they arrived. It promises to be a bumpy return flight.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Voshen rapped a knuckle on the helm console.  "There's hope for you yet." 

He flicked on the shuttle comms and attempted to raise the captain.  "Lt. Voshen to Capt. Treyva.  Mr. Spunkmeyer remains in the care of the monastery nurse.  I have prepared the Dubilier for departure, but sensors indicate that this weather pattern shows no signs of dissipating, over."

OOC: Logging an Advantage for the return trip here.  Call it "Dubilier Warmed Up".
-- RG


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on September 16, 2024, 01:03:20 PMA couple seconds later, Tobin's tricorder beeps that it is receiving data. The transfer takes about 10 seconds, start to finish. The information in the file is relatively sparse:

While Tobin is assimilating the supplied information, Cole signs off with the Drake and then, having read the file, is still perplexed.

"He definitely has means for these crimes, and i guess, opportunity,  but i'm still not seeing any sort of motive here."


Quote from: Renny on September 17, 2024, 04:25:17 PMWhile Tobin is assimilating the supplied information, Cole signs off with the Drake and then, having read the file, is still perplexed.

"He definitely has means for these crimes, and i guess, opportunity,  but i'm still not seeing any sort of motive here."

Tobin holds up a finger. "Ah, but remember that all of the victims attended the pro-Surak Logic in Science, Administration, and Service conference, and that Kavoran was captured on video engaging in a vigorous ad-hoc debate there. It seems that Kavoran has likely developed an unusual level of ... passion, for a Vulcan, in regards to the clash of philosophies. To the point of irrationality, perhaps. Maybe his family or fellow monks could be of assistance in getting a better picture of his mindset?"

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Before I write myself into a corner, I figure I better give y'all a quick SITREP.

1. The storm is intensifying, and will take several hours more to fade.
2. Kavoran is awake, and has been cautioned of his rights.
3. Both the device and the means of programming have been identified and verified.
4. Tobin has noted a sectarian motive for the murders. (This means you gents technically have means (the Long Tooth of I-Saartyra), motive (sectarian tension with Surakians), and opportunity (transporter device and its configuration program), with a suspect in custody.)
5. Spunkmeyer has been stabilized and will recover.
6. The Dubilier is prepped for flight, and optimized for cutting through the storm (as best as possible).

You gents can:
a. Set up shop at the monastery and interrogate Kavoran. Note that this may be unfruitful, as there's really no way to get an advocate on site to advise him.
b. Wait out the storm before returning to the ship, making sure an advocate is summoned for his defense.
c. Load into the aquashuttle and brave the storm as you head back to the ship, making sure an advocate is summoned for his defense.

How do you want to proceed?
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: I see no reason to hurry, given that Spunkmeyer is stabilized. Makes sense to me to get him an advocate and interrogate him back at the ship.


Quote from: Nolmir on September 22, 2024, 04:15:49 PMOOC: I see no reason to hurry, given that Spunkmeyer is stabilized. Makes sense to me to get him an advocate and interrogate him back at the ship.

OOC: I'd agree with this. Can't see any benefit in rushing things.

Chev ch'Valk

Quote from: Nolmir on September 22, 2024, 04:15:49 PMOOC: I see no reason to hurry, given that Spunkmeyer is stabilized. Makes sense to me to get him an advocate and interrogate him back at the ship.

OOC: I agree with the agreement, but can we leave the shuttle running just in case we need to make a fast escape, and also to keep the intakes from getting jammed again?
"The sky is a neighborhood." -- Foo Fighters

Patrick Goodman

Quote from: socrates200X on September 16, 2024, 10:46:20 PMHe flicked on the shuttle comms and attempted to raise the captain.  "Lt. Voshen to Capt. Treyva.  Mr. Spunkmeyer remains in the care of the monastery nurse.  I have prepared the Dubilier for departure, but sensors indicate that this weather pattern shows no signs of dissipating, over."
Treyva flipped open his communicator. "I doubt the storm is going to let up for several more hours, Lieutenant, but it's probably a good idea to have prepped the shuttle," he said. "Stay there and keep her ready. Hopefully it will let us make a go for it later this evening."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
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