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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Patrick Goodman

OOC: I've misplaced my notes and my search-fu is failing me at the moment. What's T'Kiri's formal title again? Treyva wants to make sure he observes all the forms at this point; he's already slipped once.
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: T'Kiri's official title is Principle Investigator, with the Criminal Investigations Branch of the V'Kor.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

QuoteT'Kiri raises an eyebrow. "Kavoran, son of Satrik, I charge you with the attempted murder of Specialist Spunkmeyer of Starfleet. Know your rights as an individual accused..." she then continues with the mandatory caution regarding Rights of the Accused on Vulcan, before looking to the Starfleet officers. "You may ask questions, but know that, unless he waives his rights, his answers cannot be used in judgment against him."
Treyva turns to the suspect and seems about to say something, but he pauses. Standing up straighter, he turned to face T'Kiri. "Thank you, Principle Investigator," he said, with a shake of his head. "But my curiosity has waited this long for an answer; I think it will wait a little while longer, to insure that the answer might be properly applied."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?


"Ingenious," Tobin says to Cole with grudging admiration. "Kavoran clearly has a talent for subterfuge. He could have been  a spy. I'd say this pretty well proves he had the means and opportunity to carry out the attacks."


"Yes sir," Cole agrees, "But the question remains, why? None of this makes sense."

Cole looks around the bare chamber, confused.

"What is there to gain from these attacks, and where did this monk gain the skills to do this?"

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Renny, please have Cole attempt a Reason + Security task vs. Difficulty 1.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Ok will do.

Reason (8) + Security (5) vs. Difficulty 1

Rolled 2d20 : 18, 13, total 31


Davy, aka GM

OOC: 1 Success vs. Difficulty 1. Success!

As he asks the question, Cole remembers the first time he met Kavoran in his workshop. The monk was incredibly skilled with the blade, and the security officer could sense how dangerous he was, even when cradling the blade in the crook of his arm. He is a master swordsman, for sure, which implies decades of training, if not a lifetime.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


"Sir, it's clear that Kavoran has had some form of formal training with the sword. We should find out his history prior to his time in the monastery...maybe the answer lies there," He pulls out his communicator and looks quizzically at Tobin, "With your permission?"


Once it was clear that Spunkmeyer's condition was stable, Voshen's attention went back to the storm above.  The persistent hiss of sand against the monastery walls showed that it had yet to fully let up.

"Your ministrations are most welcome, thank you," he said, dipping his head toward T'Laang.  "If I may allow this officer to convalesce here for the time being, I should return to the shuttle and make ready to depart.  For good or ill, I believe the crew's time here may be nearing its end."

OOC: As stated, if it's cool to leave Spunkmeyer for the nonce, Voshen's going to head back to the shuttle and make ready to return to the Drake.  E.g. check the storm status, prep the shuttle to ferry a potentially supine Spunkmeyer and/or manacled Kavoran.

Mechanically, this can be a offscreen non-action, or a full Create Advantage, depending.
-- RG


Tobin nods his assent. "By all means. This certainly has the feel of a sectarian conflict taken to an uncharacteristically illogical extreme, but perhaps his background may reveal more information as to his motive."


Cole lifts the communicator back to his mouth and flips the grid.

"Cole to Drake, come in"

Davy, aka GM

OOC: So, going to the shuttle means again braving the searing winds and cutting sand. That means another Fitness + Security task vs. Difficulty 2

In this case, failure means Voshen is turned back and cannot make it to the shuttle. Complications will result in Stress.

Momentum 5
Threat 3

If he makes it to the shuttle, Voshen's prep task will be a Control + Engineering vs. Difficulty 2, assisted by the Dubilier's Computers + Engineering (TN 6). If successful, you can create an Advantage for the return trip.

Tobin & Cole
Quote from: Renny on September 11, 2024, 06:38:55 AM"Cole to Drake, come in"

Electronic interference is his immediate response, but, after a almost-too-long moment, the faint and somewhat distorted voice of Miguel answers, "Costa here....very faint. Try....adjust...modul...up two...."

It takes a second, but Cole infers that the communications officer is asking him to turn the modulator dial clockwise two points.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Cole changes his grip on the communicator and adjusts the modulator dial as directed.

"Cole here, Drake. How do you read me, Miguel?"