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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Davy, aka GM

OOC: I Think It's Time We Stop Children, What's That Sound?
Rolled 4d6 : 4, 3, 6, 3, total 16
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Everybody Look What's Goin' Down!

Cole thinks he hears a swish-swish sound, and suddenly a loud "Hurk!" penetrates the silence of the chamber just around the corner. Drake and Voshen also hear the sickening sound.

The noise is followed quickly by a thud, and a single shot from a phaser on heavy stun briefly lights up the room. From the opposite side of the room, they see a phaser's owner laying on their side, only the twitch of their wrist as the only sign of life.

From Cole's perspective, a distorted shadow is outlined on the wall in front of them, but it is too quickly replaced by a kamishimo-garbed Kavoran making a swift cut with his preferred blade.

OOC: Kavoran has initiated combat! He executed an attack on Spunkmeyer, a move, and is currently taking a Swift Action to attack Cole with his blade.

Momentum 1
Threat 11 (+1 personal - Kavoran)

This will be an opposed Daring + Security task at Difficulty 1 for both Kavoran and Cole. Kavoran is making a lethal attack with the Long Tooth of I-Sartyra, by the way.

Kavoran spends 1 personal and 2 additional Threat to invoke his Value "Discipline of a Blade's Edge" - he's moving with a logical precision that has been developed over several decades of practice and dedication to his art. He also has the Swift Strike talent that ignore the difficulty increase for a second melee weapon attack. Bon appetit!

Kavoran Daring + Security 13 vs. Difficulty 1. Rikh'nahr Focus applies.
Rolled 2d20 : 5, 20, total 25

Just to go over the combat sequence, turns switch between PC characters and GM characters, and you're allowed to spend 2 Momentum to retain the initiative to allow a second PC character to act (you can't do that with consecutive characters). Once all characters from one "side" (GM or PC) have acted, the remaining characters from the other side complete their actions. The side that doesn't act last in a round, acts first in the next round.

PC Characters Are: Cole, Tobin, Treyva, Chev, Voshen, and T'Kiri
GM Characters Are: Spunkmeyer, Drake, Kavoran, and Nahwoor
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: The Value invocation is for a Perfect Opportunity, by the way.

And Kavoran's target is 14, not 13. Typo.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Would you deem it acceptable for Cole to spend a point of Determination to invoke his value, The Safety of the crew is my top priority? He's willing to throw himself at this guy to protect Tobin. Also worth noting that Cole has the Quick to Action talent so we will retain initiative for the next round at no cost.

Davy, aka GM

OOC: The security chief knows his role. Yes, Cole can invoke his Value.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Cole reacts without thinking at the sight of the impending threat. Realising he is too close for an effective phaser shot he instead lunges at the shadowy figure whilst shouting a warning to Tobin.

OOC: Ok so opposed Daring + Security roll for Cole, spending one determination to invoke his value, going for Perfect Opportunity as well. Assume hand to combat focus will also apply.

Rolled 2d20 : 13, 1, total 14


OOC: So if I have this right, target is 15 (Daring 10 + Security 5). 2 successes from the 1, 1 success from the 13. Focus would apply but I already have the two successes from the 1 so I think this cancels out. Perfect opportunity gives me an another 2 successes so that's 5 successes against a Difficulty of 1.

Davy, aka GM

OOC: First things first, this is not Cole's turn; he's defending against Kavoran's attack on Kavoran's turn, so you folks do not have to invoke Cole's Quick to Action just yet.

Acknowledging that Cole has spent a point of Determination to invoke his Value "The Safety of the Crew...".

Correct, a Focus just expands the extra success on a 1 to an extra success within your Discipline score.

3 Successes on the dice, plus 2 Successes for Perfect Opportunity, for a total of 5 Successes. Success, plus 4 Momentum generated for Cole.

Kavoran achieved 1 Success on the dice, plus 2 Successes for Perfect Opportunity, for a total of 3 Successes. Success, plus 2 Threat generated for Kavoran. Kavoran will burn 2 Threat to ignore the Complication.

Cole wins the opposed roll, with 2 Momentum generated. Spend or bank?

And roll for Unarmed Damage

Momentum 1 (2 pending - Cole)
Threat 7

Only through sheer determination does Cole turn his body just enough to deflect the attacker's blade with his armor, even as he can feel the force of the impact and is certain it was going to leave a mark. He counters with expert precision in close quarters.

OOC: PC's turn! Who is taking it?

Please note that I didn't invoke any traits in that first attack, because of the interior lights streaming down from the top of the stairs. Once you get into the section proper, darkness dominates. If your species doesn't have established low-light vision, your Species Trait will act as a Complication.

Who Has Acted
PC Characters: Cole, Tobin, Treyva, Chev, Voshen, and T'Kiri
GM Characters: Spunkmeyer, Drake, Kavoran, and Nahwoor
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: I'd like to spend the 2 Momentum to Disarm Kavoran.

Unarmed damage roll
Rolled 3d6 : 5, 1, 6, total 12

Cole also has the Mean Right Hook means unarmed strike gains the Vicious 1 Damage Effect.


OOC: I think that's 3 points of damage, and 2 effects? So target is knocked down and takes an additional 2 points of damage from the Vicious effect?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Correct. 3 damage + 2 additional damage from Vicious 1, for a total of 5 damage and 2 effects for Knockdown. Kavoran is forced to spend 2 Threat to Avoid a Knockout.

Acknowledging the spending of 2 Momentum to Disarm.

Cole's counter catches the monastic in the throat, momentarily stunning him and sending both Vulcan and blade tumbling to the floor.

OOC: Okay, it's the PCs' turn. Who's up?

Momentum 1
Threat 5

Map Notes: Zones are numbered 1-10. Chev is technically in Zone "12". Only Zone 1 has light.

Zone 1 has cover provided by the wall (noted as the rectangle on the right edge of that Zone), and Zone 3 has cover provided by the various workbenches (the two squares in that zone are the forges).

All Starfleet personnel are colored maroon, outlined by their department color (or black for enlists). The Vulcans are in non-maroon colors.

N = Nahwoor, T'K = T'Kiri, K = Kavoran, T = Tobin, C = Cole, sp = Spunkmeyer, dk = Drake, V = Voshen, T = Treyva, and Ch = Chev
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Chev ch'Valk

Hearing what sounds like a fight going on, Chev abandons his post at the entrance to the secret door and moves down the corridor to investigate, phaser drawn.

OOC: No combat action from me, just movement while I try to close the distance to where the action is.
"The sky is a neighborhood." -- Foo Fighters

Davy, aka GM

OOC: A Move Minor action allows you to move anywhere in Medium Range (1 Zone); however, you can instead take the Sprint action, which requires a Fitness + Security task vs. Difficulty 0. If successful, you move 1 Zone, and can spend Momentum to move additional Zones (1 Momentum per additional Zone). So, a Success and spending 1 Momentum will have Chev catch up with the rest of his team.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: I guess it makes sense for Cole to act first as i'm in combat with him already unless anyone has any objections?
