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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Patrick Goodman

OOC: I could've sworn I did this already....

Treyva returned the kiss, and held her for longer than his parents might have considered actually necessary. Finally, he pulled away and motioned to one of the chairs by the console he'd been using. He sat beside her. "You really mean to tell me that you didn't know I was the sentimental one?" he said innocently. Asha punched him in the arm with a smile and a raised eyebrow. He smiled in return. "I figured if I couldn't go home, I'd bring home to me as much as I could."

He leaned back and stared at the computer display with the list of keynote addresses. "I'm not sad, really, so much as afraid," he said quietly. "Not of Starfleet, either; technically, there aren't any regulations about inter-crew relationships. But...." His voice trailed off. Asha was about to nudge him, but he shook his head and went on. "On the old Drake, our last mission out...the ship got beaten up. Badly. We lost some of the crew. I had to send condolence letters to their families...too many letters. That was bad, but if it had been someone I was attached to, someone I cared about personally...I don't know if I could take that again."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Doug Burke

Quote"The algorithm Asha formulated did not uncover anything beyond the conference," T'Kiri notes. "However, their participation in a conference subtitled 'Surakian Values in a Professional Life' would indicate a stronger than average affinity for tuSurak. It may be useful to understand just how strong their affinity was."

"Indeed," Sorak replied, his brows still furrowed, "So rather than direct association with, what about their opposition to our beliefs? Have any of them clashed in one way or another with the Jarokovan? Or could there there an outside party trying to make the Jarokovan appear to be the perpetrators of these crimes?"
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."


OOC: Gah, sorry for the delayed response. I had a busy week and forgot to check in ...

Tobin brightens as he reaches the end of the list. He taps on the entry with an index finger. "'Routine care.' Well, that's at least a possibility for a change. Perhaps Lt. Cole and I should pay the monastery a visit and verify that blade is where it's supposed to be."

He flips open his communicator. "Les to Cole. Could I entice you away from your security duties for a few hours? I have a lead on a possibly misplaced weapon at a Jarokovan monastery near the Shival Flats that fits our murder weapon's profile."

Davy, aka GM

Quote from: Doug Burke on April 07, 2023, 09:55:14 PM
"Indeed," Sorak replied, his brows still furrowed, "So rather than direct association with, what about their opposition to our beliefs? Have any of them clashed in one way or another with the Jarokovan? Or could there there an outside party trying to make the Jarokovan appear to be the perpetrators of these crimes?"

T'Kiri nods. "I can bring up incident reports around the conference itself, which, forgive me, is something I should have thought to do the moment we realized its connection to the deceased," she says, her fingers working the console as she talks. A moment later, a short list appears on the screen:

(First day of the conference) - Starfleet engineering technician assigned to 40 Eridani Shipyards was injured while riding a two-wheeled personal mechanical conveyance on a proscribed path near the conference center. The technician sustained fractures to his right wrist, right tibia, and right ankle, and several abrasions from elbow to foot on right side, and required medical transport to the city medical center. Seven conference attendees witnessed the accident, two of whom were medical professionals who were the first responders on the scene.

(First day of the conference) - Automated food processor in the second level lounge area suffered a catastrophic failure, spraying steaming liquid in an approximate 58 degree arc over 4.34 meters. No injuries to report. V'Kor safety personnel dispatched to ensure equipment repair met statutory guidelines. Lounge area was offline for three hours, 16 minutes.

(Second day of the conference) - Two conference attendees engaged in an unscheduled public debate on the grounds outside the conference center during the midday break. Five separate calls to local precinct regarding debate attracting "crowds." No violence reported. V'Kor uniformed personnel arrived on scene to discover the debate had ended and crowds had dispersed 7 minutes prior. Subject of the debate revolved around the natures of tuSurak, tuJarok, and tuNirak. Names of the debate participants were not disclosed to uniformed responders. Incident considered "transient and closed."

(Third day of the conference) - Non-attendee denied entrance to conference refused to depart premises on grounds that he was predestined to reveal important information to the assembly, so that they "might shed their inaccurate ideals of independent control of their destinies." V'Kor uniformed personnel responded to scene, where they escorted the self-proclaimed adherent of tuT'Mor to the city medical facility for evaluation. Update (three days later) - Patient was admitted to the city medical facility for a degenerative neurological condition; physicians consider the condition remediable, with a 94.72 percent chance of a full recovery.

Treyva & Asha
"We've been living with that possibility since the day you entered Starfleet," Asha counters. "Loss is part of love. Our sapience gives us an advantage over merely sentient animals; we know in advance what will kill us, and we can personalize this abstract knowledge and twist it into the fear of losing someone dear to us. Rehearsing tragedy, a friend once called it.

"Yes, your profession carries greater risk than mine, or Liera's. But, Sabra's accident had nothing to do with her career," she adds, placing a comforting hand over Treyva's heart. "And plenty of Starfleet officers, even those who are often out on the frontier, like you, survive entire careers without so much as suffering a scratch. Don't rehearse tragedy, and don't be so afraid of loss that you miss out on a great love."

She rests her head on his chest and wraps her arms tightly around his waist. "No matter what, know that Liera and I and the rest of us will always support you."

Tobin & Cole

Quote from: Nolmir on April 10, 2023, 01:47:55 PM
Tobin brightens as he reaches the end of the list. He taps on the entry with an index finger. "'Routine care.' Well, that's at least a possibility for a change. Perhaps Lt. Cole and I should pay the monastery a visit and verify that blade is where it's supposed to be."

"Jarokovans are adherents of a sect that seek to experience emotions as part of their path to logic," T'Kalla remarks. "I cannot say I understand the appeal; I experienced uncontrolled emotions early in my recovery. It was not...comfortable.

"I do not begin to know the structure of a refuge for ascetic emotional experience, but Jarokovans are still Vulcans. If you present logical arguments, they should see it. It is my hope they render the access and aid you require."

QuoteHe flips open his communicator. "Les to Cole. Could I entice you away from your security duties for a few hours? I have a lead on a possibly misplaced weapon at a Jarokovan monastery near the Shival Flats that fits our murder weapon's profile."

OOC: Renny, just as a reminder, Cole was camping in the Shival Flats when he had the sehlat encounter.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Quote from: Nolmir on April 10, 2023, 01:47:55 PM
He flips open his communicator. "Les to Cole. Could I entice you away from your security duties for a few hours? I have a lead on a possibly misplaced weapon at a Jarokovan monastery near the Shival Flats that fits our murder weapon's profile."

Cole opens his communicator in response.

"Yes sir. We have things in hand, at least for now. I can be spared for a while. I can be ready in ten minutes."

Remembering his recent visit to the Flats, Cole wonders idly whether he might be able to find out how Sadek had faired in his kahs-wan.


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on April 12, 2023, 03:48:20 PM
"Jarokovans are adherents of a sect that seek to experience emotions as part of their path to logic," T'Kalla remarks. "I cannot say I understand the appeal; I experienced uncontrolled emotions early in my recovery. It was not...comfortable.

"I do not begin to know the structure of a refuge for ascetic emotional experience, but Jarokovans are still Vulcans. If you present logical arguments, they should see it. It is my hope they render the access and aid you require."

Tobin smiles. "I count myself lucky that you do at least seem amused by my experience of emotions, then. I'm sure the lieutenant and I will have no difficulty."

Quote from: Renny on April 15, 2023, 04:06:49 PM
"Yes sir. We have things in hand, at least for now. I can be spared for a while. I can be ready in ten minutes."

"Excellent, Mr. Cole," Tobin replies, transmitting the monastery's location to Cole. "I'll meet you there."

Davy, aka GM

Tobin & Cole
A half-hour later, the two officers materialize on a low plateau overlooking the southeastern Shival Flats, the unbroken grayish-brown expanse of packed earth spread out below.

Behind them, an open stone windswept plaza leads to an ancient wall that shows the marks of more than a thousand years of desert weather. Beyond the six-meter-high walls, highly-polished orange-and-brown stone slabs between heavy graystone archways form the roof of the main building within.

Near the large front gate, a solitary Vulcan in traditional temple guard attire stands sentry over the plaza, watching the newcomers dispassionately.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva returned the embrace, then pulled away, a smile on his face. "Thank you, love." He turned once again toward the viewscreen. "What do you make of these keynotes?"
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Asha Insight + Science (10/4) vs. Difficulty 1.
Rolled 2d20 : 13, 6, total 19
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

Treyva & Asha
OOC: 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated. Asha will spend that on Obtain Information.

Momentum 6
Threat 10

She pauses for several moments to study the keynote titles.

T'Pak spoke on mental techniques to structure mental disciplines to pattern the stability of geostructures. "That would've been a fascinating analogy to hear," Asha comments.

Verrin discussed the metaphysics of the desert as it applies to logic and discipline, and T'Kiri's brother Talvar spoke on how he applied his investigative skill toward self-examination and strengthening his emotional discipline.

Commerce Ministry Deputy Administrator (for interprovincial commerce) Taavai continued T'Loris' Surakian economics theme, focusing on maintaining Surakian values and discipline when entering into commerce with non-Vulcan entities.

Professor Vorothal presented a "reminder" of the core values of Surak, the reasons for his theories and application of his values, and the theories behind why Vulcans are best suited to tuSurak.

OOC: Just so we don't have to look for them, here are the keynotes I detailed earlier:

Karatek spoke on "Techniques of Emotional Control" and "The Blurred Line Between Emotion and Passion."
T'Loris' speech centered on "The Economics of Surak."
The academy administrator Sotir counseled on "Steering Youths Away from Emotionalism."
Spalan himself spoke on "The Intersection of Passion and Crime on Vulcan."
N'Varas discussed "Kolinahr in Public Life."

I believe I've now covered the titles/general subjects of all ten keynote speakers (both victims and those who may be next).

"The first thing I see are these cautions against 'passions' and 'emotionalism,' Sorak's father even directly connecting the former to crime," she says. "I wouldn't go so far as to accuse any Vulcan of holding prejudices, but...

"Some of these others, though, it would seem pretty innocuous - techniques for study, self-reflection, practical applications in business/public professions - they seem unconnected to the others, except for the fact they were delivered in the same conference. Would we be able to get our hands on the transcripts of the speeches themselves? The connections may be in them, which would mean either our killer also read the transcripts or possibly attended the conference."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Tobin steps forward, trying to keep in mind the various tips he's received from T'Kalla on interacting with Vulcans. "Live long and prosper. I am Lt. Com. Tobin Les of Starfleet, and this is my colleague, Lt. Durham Cole," he says formally, presenting the traditional salute with his right hand. "We wish to speak with the leadership of your community."

Doug Burke

Sorak goes over the list of incidents at the conference before Shaking his head, "The only incident that seems related to me is the spirited debate from the second day of the conference. But that seems to be a dead end, informationally."

He thinks for a moment and then says, "I still feel that we are looking at an incomplete image. There is at least one piece of the puzzle eluding our grasp."
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."


Quote from: Nolmir on April 24, 2023, 01:13:58 PM
Tobin steps forward, trying to keep in mind the various tips he's received from T'Kalla on interacting with Vulcans. "Live long and prosper. I am Lt. Com. Tobin Les of Starfleet, and this is my colleague, Lt. Durham Cole," he says formally, presenting the traditional salute with his right hand. "We wish to speak with the leadership of your community."

Cole mimics the salute, following his senior officers' example. He tries to evaporate the beads of sweat already gathering on his forehead through sheer force of will,  inwardly cursing the need for Starfleet uniform in the dry Vulcan climate.

Patrick Goodman

Quote from: Davy, aka GM on April 24, 2023, 11:25:05 AM
"Would we be able to get our hands on the transcripts of the speeches themselves? The connections may be in them, which would mean either our killer also read the transcripts or possibly attended the conference."
Treyva nodded. "Yes, the playback and the transcript of each one should be available on the public network." He tapped a couple of controls on the console. "That should do it."

OOC: Do I need to roll anything for that, Davy?
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

Treyva & Asha
OOC: This will be an Insight + Science task vs. Difficulty 0. Asha can assist with the same. (Note: Obtain Information Momentum spends will be important here.)

Momentum 6
Threat 10

Sorak & T'Kiri
"I agree. Something is not yet in place," T'Kiri says. "My interest, though, wants to return to the impromptu debate. The external areas of the conference center are all covered by sensors; at least one of them should have captured it.

"I understand the logic of not pursuing what in isolation appears to be a non-incident, but, in light of the conference's connections to the deceased, it can no longer be ignored," she notes. "We also should see if Treyva is willing to delve deeper into the transcripts of the each keynote address, if he has not already begun to do so."

Tobin & Cole
"Peace and long life, Lt. Cmdr. Tobin Les and Lt. Cole," the sentry intones, raising his hand in salute. "Please follow me."

He opens the gate and gestures the two officers inside. Within, another sentry nods to his compatriot and takes the other's place in front of the entrance, closing the gate behind him. The narrow walkway from the gate zigs, then zags, and opens up into a small triangular courtyard that holds a cauldron with flames licking up a good meter from it - Tobin surmises some sort of natural or constructed methane-like source fuels it.

On the far side of the courtyard is the large building with the arched roof sections they saw towering over the outer wall. A trio of robed Vulcans stand in conference in front of simple, yet meticulously appointed doors, and they look up when they notice the approaching offworlders. One of them offers a slight smile and rasies his hand in salutation.

"Peace and long life to you. I am Sikor. What is the purpose of your visit?"
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."