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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Quote from: Davy, aka GM on March 03, 2023, 04:05:41 PM

"I have exactly 15 security personnel under my command," Santiago responds. "The rest of our physical security and investigative needs are provided under agreement by the Vulcan Defense Force. But, as long as their primary responsibilities are met, we're happy to augment your team in this matter.

"Talk to Lieutenant Stenisk on the Starfleet side, and Subcommander Tuvang on the VDF side."

Cole briefly met Stenisk when the Drake first arrived three weeks ago; he's one the Vulcans who make up a third of the station's personnel. (It's said that Vulcans often take advantage of this posting between shipboard assignments.)

The calls to each officer are brief. Stenisk can only afford to detatch one officer and three specialists to protection detail, and Tuvang will second six specialists to Cole. The subcommander also volunteers to make arrangements with his commanders to provide security for the other 24 presenters, to allow Cole and his teams focus on the keynote speakers.

OOC: Cole will work out a shift pattern "off-camera" to provide protection to the keynote speakers using the assigned personnel, making up the numbers from the Drake's own team as needed. He will report back to Treyva on the specific arrangements at a suitable time.

Davy, aka GM

OOC: The Drake has 87 personnel assigned to security department, including Cole himself (and all named characters). Current operational requirements (in orbit and still performing post-shakedown workups) means that Cole only has 21 personnel (not including himself, since he's involved in the investigation side of things) available for a protection detail.

Drake Security: up to 21 (Cole's choice on how many officers/named characters are part of this detachment)
Starfleet Station Security: 4 (1 officer, 3 specialists)
VDF Security: 6 specialists

That gives you up to 31 people to protect 4 around the clock.

A three-shift rotation would require 12 total shifts daily. A four-shift rotation would require 16.

Standard Starfleet protection detail procedures aren't vague, but are deliberately flexible to allow local officers to tailor detail assignments to their individual situations. However, they do recommend a detail of at least two personnel at a minimum for most mundane situations, with larger multi-layered recommendations for public events.

The procedures and Cole's experience would tell him:
1. Three two-man details per day for each potential target.
2. This leaves 7 personnel for augmentation, as needed, for public excursions.
3. It also allows the officer-in-charge (who Cole will need to designate...it can be the officer provided by Lt. Stenisk or one of the Drake's security officers) to stay on the "flying detail" and coordinate everything without having to worry about being on a specific shift.

A four-shift rotation could look like:
1. Two daytime two-man details and two evening/nighttime one-man details per day for each potential target.
2. A "flying detail" of 7 personnel for augmentation as needed.

The downside of the longer shifts would be greater fatigue at the end of the shift. The downside to the shorter shifts would the single-man details at night, meaning a potential greater use of the "flying detail" in the evening hours.

Let me know if you want to use one of these setups, or go with something else.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Thanks Davy, stuff to digest there. I'll have a think and get back to you.

Davy, aka GM

Sorak & T'Kiri
Knowing they have the same access to her police database from their home office that T'Kiri does from the precinct or the ship, the pair retire to their residence to conduct their research.

OOC: First, I think it's appropriate at this time to consider T'Kiri "introduced" as a supporting character in the episode. She now has an entry on the supporting character thread, and will spend and generate Momentum instead of Threat going forward.

Second, this will be a gated task with two gates.

The first gate will be a Daring + Security task vs. Difficulty 2 to gain access to more sensitive databases with more restrictive authorization protocols. T'Kiri should probably take the lead on this one, with Sorak assisting, using Reason + Security or Insight + Engineering. His Computers focus applies. You can succeed at cost on this task, with the cost being an increased Difficulty of the second gate task.

The second gate will be a Reason + Science task vs. Difficulty 1 to pore through the data for useful information. I figure Sorak will take the lead here, and T'Kiri will assist with Insight + Security. Her Deductive Reasoning focus will apply.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

I agree with your recommendations, Davy. I'll do the first gate in this post and then, based on the results, do the second.

Gate 1:

T'Kiri's Daring + Security Task (10/4), D2

Rolled 2d20 : 8, 8, total 16

Sorak's assist, Insight + Engineering (8/5) and Computers focus.

Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7

One additional question. Would Sorak's Computers focus still apply on Gate 2?
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 3 Successes vs. Difficulty 2. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated!

I used Reason + Science for Sorak separating useful information from the raw data on known extant Vulcan philosophical movements. As this is a quality analysis within a particular field, I don't feel Sorak's computer expertise gives him an advantage.

That said, I'm not above convincing. How would Sorak use his computer expertise to determine what information is relevant to their investigation?

Momentum 4 (1 pending, T'Kiri/Sorak)
Threat 10
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

Here's my case: Sorak's experience with database structure and uses would give him an edge in collating and extracting information from within one.

Sorak's Reason + Science Task (11/4), possible Computers focus, D1
Rolled 2d20 : 19, 10, total 29

T'Kiri assist, Insight + Security (9/4)
Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: I'll allow it.

2 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated!

Momentum 4 (2 pending, T'Kiri/Sorak)
Threat 10

Major Movements
The Way of Surak (tuSurak) - Philosophy of emotional suppression and embrace of logic. Since Reawakening of 2150s, tuSurak counts nearly 90 percent of all Vulcans as adherents, who are called Surakians.

As the one truly "mainstream" philosophy, little is written against it; the databases contain information on a number of minor groups within the realm of tuSurak who condemn all non-adherents as V'tosh Ka'tur - "without logic" - and seek to disenfranchise such "deviance." (None of these groups have numbers greater than a hundered.)

The Way of Jarok (tuJarok) - Philosophy of disciplined emotional embrace and understanding as path to logic. Jarokovans represent about 3 percent of the Vulcan population.

The mention of the Way of Jarok as a philosophy can be, well, jarring to Surakians. If a Vulcan would admit to shuddering at a thought, the idea of embracing their emotions/passions is an anathema. Many treatises rejecting the long-term viability of tuJarok have been written; while most are written from a perspective of a Surakian attempting to embrace tuJarok, a few scientific articles have been published this century regarding "dangers" of embracing ancient passions.

(That said, even the most respected mystics of the Jarokovan movement agree with the basic premise of such scientific papers, to a point; embracing intense passions for prolonged periods of time can cause psychological instability in those who are vulnerable to it. They counter, though, that the discipline of tuJurok teaches its adherents to embrace emotion responsibly, and its practices prevent emotions from growing into intense passions.)

There are a few outspoken groups within the realm of tuJarok who seek to force the government to reject the Surakian philosophy, and remove its principles from the structure of the government. A true neutral government that doesn't "force Jarokovans to hide their logical embrace of emotion" to seek higher office. (Given that philosophical choice or "expression of emotion" are not amongst any criteria ever put forth as elements of the governance selection algorithm, these arguments are often quickly dismissed.)

The Way of Nirak (tuNirak) - Philosophy of balance, where destructive passions are to be suppressed and other "joyful" emotions are to be experienced in moderation. Nirakians represent about 0.77 percent of the Vulcan population.

Nirak is often forgotten in the Surak-Jurok debate, but, when spoken of, it is incorrectly labeled as "soft tuJarok." This is partly due to the fact that modern tuJarok focuses on the "joyful" emotions, and adherents rarely investigate their destructive passions. Thus, philosophical study has a difficult time in determining the success of Nirak in his movement, which may be greater than the number of his modern adherents would necessarily indicate.

Strangely, the arguments made against tuJarok are rarely made against tuNirak. And little is written for or against the practice.

That said, tuNirak is growing. Acknowledged adherents have nearly doubled in the last 50 years, most newcomers being young adults. Notably, two members of the Vulcan delegation to the Federation council converted to tuNirak in the 2270s (prior to their selection to the delegation).

Minor Movements
The One Mind School (tuT'Mor) - Philosophy of predestination, where emotions cloud the adherent's ability to see the machinations of the universe; purging emotions give an adherent clarity to see their destined path. This philosophy is believed extinct since 2038.

Kolinahr - Kolinahr adherents are few, due to the rigors of the practice. Most achievers embrace it only as "one path of many," but a few lapse into emotions of pride or superiority, proving that even Kolinahr masters aren't infallible.

Recently, articles outside of the mainstream have called for the end to Kolinahr as a practice, arguing it as damaging to the Vulcan psyche as the "unfettered embracing of passion." Such treatises gain little traction, but their authors are varied, including several Surakians.

The Hakihr - This remnant martial order of psionic biofeedback ascetic practice "mind over body" techniques, and are well-known for their psionic body control disciplines. However, they shed their martial practices shortly after the Awakening, and are decdicated pacifists, refusing to use their abilities to harm another, even in practice. They're considered an oddity by the mainstream, an example of extreme dedication to a specific art.

Anti-Syrranites were highly organized (and almost militant) prior to 2180, but their numbers quickly dwindled due to age and conversion. The Vulcan government has no numbers on Anti-Syrranites, and believes the movement to be extinct.

Belief in the old gods continues, mostly in the northern polar regions, with numbers only in the tens of thousands; these Vulcans live outside of modern life, retaining ancient practices, and have little-to-no contact with the government and the Federation. Most Vulcans leave them be, considering their traditional practices an example of IDIC.

Other minor sects have risen and fallen since the Awakening, but none are considered active at this time.

There are rumors of other ancient practices and orders surviving, but the database contains no evidence to support the rumors, and classifies the information as "unreliable." Three are of note:

The Raptors - This group was one of the primary antagonists to Surak's Awakening and is believed to have died out after its leaders fled Vulcan at the conclusions of the Wars. The idea that the Raptors movement somehow survives or has been revived comes from the revelation of Romulans being physiologically related to Vulcans. The Intelligence Service, in particular, is concerned about Romulan infiltration of the government.

Rikh'nar ("Edge Discipline") - This is an ancient martial order believed to have been largely abandoned during the Awakening and lost to history by the 12th Century. It was a warrior code mixed with sword and short blade-focused combat techniques (think a combination of bushido and kenjustu), and its members were considered the most-accomplished swordsmen in history, their influence extending far beyond the end of the sword's dominance in Vulcan warfare.

V'tosh Ka'tur - This has only fleetingly been a movement. The word is a pejorative for Vulcans who act out of place with Surakian philosophy; technically, anyone who rejects tuSurak is V'tosh Ka'tur. However, a short-lived group left Vulcan in 2143, rejecting all philosophical constraints of purged or controlled emotions; their hope was to dismantle the "Surakian stranglehold" over Vulcan life. There has been no information on this group's activities in 70 years.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Zorana pondered that for a moment, weighing things in her mind. "This place really is enormous," she said brightly, "not like the old Drake. That old tub was a proper tight fit, I'll tell you. Always moving; felt like home." She turned to better face the captain's wife. "And yeah, sometimes I wonder what to do with myself here, but there's a lot of people on the rec deck at any given time, so that helps."

"I don't wonder why I did it, though," she went on. "I was tired of listening to Isha and Zhosa arguing over every little thing, and none of the aunts or uncles were able to help. It was the only place I couldn't help people, so I ran away to Starfleet and never really looked back. I miss my sisters most of the time, and my brothers some of the time, but I don't miss the home life. Even a little bit." She paused for a moment. "I make a difference here, ma'am, that I didn't make back home. Just because I'm curious about what's going on, don't think I miss it."

She leaned back against the wall of the lift. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm not entirely sure where that came from."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on March 03, 2023, 04:05:41 PM
"During the Awakening, Vulcans went through a period of destroying all weapons of war. Lar'Vaniss, the designer of the Ra-sirak-esta electromagnetic pulse rifle, the most widely-used battle rifle on the planet at the time, famously destroyed her production stock, and dismantled her manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and design facilities after joining the Surakian movement," T'Kalla explains. "Similarly, the swordsmith S'harien began melting down his masterpiece blades, and only through the intervention of Surak himself do any examples of his work survive today; still, he never again forged a weapon.

"I doubt more than three score blades of any of the master swordsmiths remain from that time period, and the vast majority of those are in museums."

Tobin and T'Kalla realize that such a blade would be either an heirloom weapon or one taken from a museum. The engineer thinks the former would be registered in a database somewhere and the latter could be identified from theft reports and canvassing of remaining museums for unreported losses.

Tobin sights in frustration at the fruitless culmination of their search, running a hand through his short black hair. "Well, at the very least we can be reasonably certain our murder weapon is in fact a Vulcan artifact and not connected to Lt. Thadis." He steals a hopeful glance at T'Kalla. "I don't suppose you'd have a few more hours to spare to help me check on the status of those known blades? It'd be like old times -- remember when we pulled that all-nighter to track down the fault in the Macon's sensor matrix?"

Davy, aka GM

Quote from: Patrick Goodman on March 11, 2023, 09:15:23 PMShe leaned back against the wall of the lift. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm not entirely sure where that came from."

"Well, you're right in that I shouldn't assume how you got here," Asha responds. "I'm glad you found a place for yourself, even if it is off world."

The geologist regards the woman before her for several moments once they reach the captain's quarters. "You don't seem to be the type that hunts for trophies, so I'm just going to say this: Be careful how you try to 'help.' Some things can't be fixed, at least not from the outside; they must be endured until one can achieve a measure of peace about it. Pain is sometimes the price we pay for joy and love, and no attempt to 'fill the void' will ever fully release it."

She doesn't wait for an answer as she goes inside to freshen up.

Quote from: Nolmir on March 13, 2023, 03:32:10 PMHe steals a hopeful glance at T'Kalla. "I don't suppose you'd have a few more hours to spare to help me check on the status of those known blades? It'd be like old times -- remember when we pulled that all-nighter to track down the fault in the Macon's sensor matrix?"

"I do. I also remember you humorously calling it our 'second date,' which I found entirely appropriate, given how fruitful the search was to our bonding," she responds. "And it would be pleasing to me to bond like that again. Where shall we start?"

OOC: A couple things Tobin will know:
1. It's possible there is a publicly-accessible list of known surviving weapons; however, it may not be a complete list.
2. Getting access to a planet-wide weapon registry will likely require sending a request through official channels (T'Kiri as V'Kor liaison, Commodore Santiago as Starfleet representative, or Dr. Suchwani from the Federation mission to Vulcan); this is likely to be a complete list (or as complete as unforeseen uncertainty can provide).
3. Museum loss information should be public, but detailed information would again likely require an official request to access.
4. Of course, there's always beaming around the planet, going from museum to museum, like it's a scavenger hunt. ;)

Oh, and the thought in my mind was that you two never found that sensor fault that time. It somehow fixed itself in the dead of night. The only real good to come of it was getting to know T'Kalla better...
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

OOC: Asha now knows more about Zorana's background than Treyva does...and he's read her service jacket. Counterpoint: Asha hasn't seen Treyva's quarters since he was on the Hermes, and probably doesn't know how much family memorabilia he keeps in his quarters. Photos of all his immediate family: All three wives, all three kids. Lots of Sabra's art. A shadowbox with Miral's picture (in cadet uniform, with Sonek and at least one more classmate to be determined by the GM), and some of her Academy doodads. A few pictures of Tanis's sculptures, and one of his actual sculptures. A music box on a shelf with every recording Anari has ever sent him, good, bad, or indifferent.

Did Zorana wait outside, or go in with Asha and wait in the office part of his quarters?
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Patrick Goodman

Zorana stood outside in the corridor, then decided to go in. She may have been off-duty, but there was always stuff on Treyva's desk, and she was the captain's yeoman. No point in getting further behind.

She took a breath and walked into the captain's quarters.
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

Asha & Zorana
...and stops short when she sees Asha standing in the middle of the compartment, hand grasping the fabric of the tunic over her heart as she gazes misty-eyed at the collection of sculptures and other memorabilia in his office and beyond. She slowly moves over to touch each item in the office gently, her hand lingering on Sabra's work before she moves into his private chambers, with only a brief shift of her eyes toward the yeoman as she disappears through the door.

On the captain's desk are a number of neatly stacked record tapes (an indication that they're ready to be retrieved) and a pair of datapads sitting side-by-side. Zorana remembers the latter items as a ship's stores report and the most-recent update to the duty roster, and they're resting right where she left them, meaning the captain hasn't been back to sign them today. She checks both just to confirm her suspicions and collects the record tapes for return to storage.

Asha returns, dabbing at the corner of her eye as she crosses the threshold into the office. She spares an extended glance at the sculptures, then shifts her focus to the yeoman, her earlier cool countenance returning in an instant.

"I expect it'll raise some suspicion if Treyva sees you escorting me back to the lab," she notes. "So, if you have something else you need to say or ask, now is the time."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

She walked over to one of the images on the wall, and smiled. It was an informal portrait of Treyva and Asha; he was in civilian clothes, and they were both laughing. "The camera loves you," she said without turning. "Doesn't do you half-justice, though; your eyes are a lot prettier in person." She turned around, absently shuffling the record tapes as she met the older woman's cool gaze full-on. "I don't know what you think of me, Asha, but it seems as if you don't like me, and I don't know what I've done to make you dislike me. Maybe I'm too eager, and bubbly, and outgoing; I know that puts some people off."

She took a breath. "I also don't know what you think is going on with me and Captain Treyva, but since you are one of his wives, you're entitled to know. The answer is, nothing. He's my captain, I'm his yeoman, and as long as that remains the case, the answer will remain, nothing." She felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes, and wished she had a handkerchief. "I just wanted to meet you. I also wanted to meet Liera when she brought Miral to the Academy, but...timing." She shrugged as her tears began rolling down her cheeks. "If I've wronged you somehow, I apologize. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Without waiting for a response, she darted out of the compartment into the corridor.
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?