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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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OOC: If you have a question, go ahead. Happy to roll with that.


OOC: Go for it, Patrick. I have nothing currently.

Patrick Goodman

Bank 2. Spending 1 on Obtain Information. Could that rockfall, if caused by the violent attack, possibly injure the killer?
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Acknowledging spend and bank.

Momentum 4
Threat 10

If the rockfall occurred during or just after the attack, it's certainly possible. The collapse covered several square meters of the chamber. The more time between the attack and the fall, the less the chance. There is no evidence of any blood found at the scene other than the victim's.

Asha notes the conference data point. "These are return dates, indicating the conference itself took place prior to our search period."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva smiled. "I knew that really big brain of yours would come in handy." He looked over to T'Kiri. "Could you please have someone obtain the attendance and registration records for that conference? We can compare that to our list of victims, see if anybody else turns up." He leaned back in his seat. "We should have someone check local clinics, see if anybody presented with unusual bruising or other injuries that might have been inflicted in that rockfall. If the murders themselves did cause it, there's a chance our killer got hurt, however slim that chance might be."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

T'Kiri nods. "I will instruct Ayhan and T'Ara to contact local medical facilities and practices near the mine and later murder scenes, in case the perpetrator sought treatment closer to another site," she says. "I will obtain a warrant for the attendee and staff list for the Logic in Science conference."

OOC: Is there anything else you folks want to check/do/discuss in this scene?

Nolmir, does Tobin want to talk with the rest of the group about his findings from the night before? (Oh, and a friendly reminder that he promised to contact T'Kalla at some point today.)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?


Tobin clears his throat. "If I may, I think this is a good time to bring the rest of you up to speed on what I found last night in my analysis of the forensic and autopsy reports, as it may have some bearing on what sort of suspect we should be looking for. I'll try to be brief in my summarization:

"The victims' wounds were all made with the same kind of the weapon, similar to an Andorian hrisal, but straighter and slightly heavier. Among other cultural weapons in our databases, I did find reference to an ancient Vulcan swordsmith said to have made similar weapons of the hunting blade style. Moreover, force calculations indicate the perpetrator would have been bigger and stronger than Lt. Thadis, or most Andorians.

"I also noticed one of the autopsies included a mention of microscopic particulate of an unfamiliar metal alloy found on one of the victims. Upon examination, the best lead I could find was in reference to an ancient Vulcan alloy that could be similar to the sample. A search of Vulcan historic databases may confirm or refute this possibility.

"It's only a hypothesis at this point, but this information does lead me to wonder if the perpetrator of these crimes may be a Vulcan with knowledge of or access to antique Vulcan weaponry. Are you aware of any fringe groups on Vulcan who still harbor ill will towards Andorians?" Tobin asks, looking toward T'Kiri and Sorak. "Perhaps ones with an anti-Surakian or revanchist bent?"

Davy, aka GM

OOC: T'Kiri Insight + Security (9/4) vs. Difficulty 1.
Rolled 2d20 : 8, 10, total 18
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 1 Threat generated.

Momentum 4
Threat 11

T'Kiri tilts her head slightly as she listens to the science officer's report.

"There remain adherents to ancient practices, including a number of armed martial arts. I, myself, occasionally have accompanied to specialty ranges a colleague who owns seven archaic firearms, all of which were constructed no less than five hundred years before the time of Surak," she says. Sorak knows this colleague, T'Kiri's old precinct captain Kalrik. Each of his pieces are works of art, and his precision with them is impressive.

The investigator continues, "Such martial disciplines are not distasteful in and of themselves, as the practice for a significant minority in my profession is a way to provide balance and focus in the details of ownership of antique weapons; my colleague solved several mysteries during his career by taking time to care for and operate the items in his collection, allowing the clues he had gathered to coalesce into a broader picture in the back of his mind. Similarly, martial discipline to blades and other melee weapons exist, and form groups to learn and practice together."

She pauses, shifting to a professorial stance (something she picked up from her mate). "As for anti-Surakian sentiments, those are, by their nature, rare; however, it was only 135 years ago that the teachings of Surak were considered...deviant," she states. "Syrranites, they were called - derisively so, for their leader in the first half of the last century. Very few who harbored resentment toward the Reawakening of the late-2150s may be alive today, and those who are would be at an advanced age, less likely to be capable of carrying out such violent attacks.

"While I will not conclude absolutely that there is no sectarian element to the perpetrator's rationale, I am equally reluctant to suspect terrorism by a 'fringe' group, as you put it."

"What about the anti-Andorian angle?" Asha wonders.

T'Kiri shakes her head negatively. "I believe Lt. Thadis' involvement in this is purely coincidental. A series of improbable intersections that nevertheless occurred."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


"Then perhaps there may be a motivation resulting from logic rather than animus, if a Vulcan is in fact behind these killings," Tobin replies, though his tone shows he is not entirely convinced. "In any case, I'd like to look more into this unknown metal alloy and archaic Vulcan weapons that might match the murder weapon. Access to Vulcan historic databases would, of course, be very helpful."

Davy, aka GM

The V'Kor officers head off to perform their tasks. Ayhan and T'Ara canvas the medical facilities and practices near the crime scenes, while T'Kiri reports their progress to her precinct captain and arranges for both the LSAS conference attendance and registration records and Tobin's access to the ShirKahr Academy Library of History and Culture in ShiKahr.

Now, Tobin isn't a metallurgist, but he knows someone* whose affinity for that particular field of study led her to switch to the engineering track at the Academy.

* In case it isn't obvious, yes, I mean T'Kalla. -Ed.

Ayhan and T'Ara report in that there were seven reported injuries that would be consistent with blunt trauma and lacerations from falling or thrown rocks; however, they verified the details of the various accidents, and none appeared suspicious.

The LSAS conference list arrives and Treyva, Sorak, Cole, and Asha quickly discover 1,434 potential participants pre-registered for the conference, and 1,285 registrants attended (the remaining 149 canceled several days to several weeks ahead of the start date). Additionally, 110 ad hoc (unregistered) attendees were admitted during the conference.

There were 10 keynote speakers and 24 other presenters during the conference. Six keynote speakers number among the victims: the Surakian priest Karatek, the Federation economist T'Loris, geostatistician T'Pak, the eremologist Verrin, the juvenile academy administrator Sotir, and T'Kiri's brother Talvar. The other four keynote speakers were: Taavai, deputy administrator for inter-province commerce at the Vulcan Commerce Ministry; Vorothal, a professor of Surakian philosophy at ShirKahr Academy; Sorak's father Spalan; and Principal Investigator N'Varas.

The seventh victim, VDF Subaltern T'Syra, worked the conference, coordinating transportation services for presenters. Registration documents state that she was seconded by the VDF for that purpose.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

For the record, Asha does have Metallurgy amongst her Focuses. She can help, too.

Treyva leaned back in his chair and stared at the large viewer in the lab's conference room. "There's our connection," he said. "And a list of anywhere between four and twenty-eight more potential victims."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?


Cole regarded the data, and cast a glance at Sorak before speaking.

"Sir, I feel we should recommend to planetary security that protection details be offered to the remaining four keynote speakers at least. Statistically it would seem they may be potential targets at the very least"

Patrick Goodman

"A splendid suggestion, Mr. Cole," the captain replied. "See to it right away, please."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?