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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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OOC: 2 successes. Assist by Sadek

Fitness (8) + Security (2)

Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10


OOC: So that's another success. Giving a total of 3 against Difficulty of 2. 1 Momentum which again i'll spend to reduce the interval if possible.

Davy, aka GM

OOC: All right. Spending the Momentum generated from the first Fitness test to reduce the interval of the task to 1. 3 Intervals remain.

On the second Fitness task, Cole achieves 2 Successes and Sadek adds 1, for 3 Successes vs. Difficulty 2. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated. That Momentum is also spent to reduce the interval of the task to 1. 2 Intervals remain.

On the Control task, Cole achieves 2 Successes (Sadek is no help) vs. Difficulty 2. Success.

Cole and Sadek will reach the safety of the higher branches.

The pair turn and sprint toward the grove as they look for a tree large enough to support their weight. The boy yells, "There! There!" as he points at a thick trunk tucked in behind a pair of younger ones in the front row.

Behind them, the sehlat dashes forward, dust trailing from it like it just flew through a nebula. It repeats a gruff sound, a half snarl with each exhale that grows louder with each powerful step. Sadek begins to lag behind a bit as the security officer's fitness and training regimen allows him to maintain his full pace.

As he nears their target, Cole slows a little turns his body slightly, finding Sadek with a quick glance and grabbing the boy's outstretched hand. With one sweeping movement, he yanks the boy forward and effectively throws him into lowest branches the tree, fluidly leaping up into an adjacent one himself. From there they climb, putting distance and branches between them and the carnivore.

The sehlat pulls up and launches his forepaws against the trunk in a futile attempt to jar its quarry from their perch. Unsuccessful, it begins to pace around, occasionally looking up and huffing at Cole and Sadek.

"That was exhilarating," the boy says.

Momentum 0
Threat 9
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


"Well that's one word for it," Cole muses as he shifts his weight to try and find a comfortable position in the nest of branches.

He glances down as the selaht continues it's slow circling of the tree trunk. He looks over to Sadek, who is similarly regarding their opponent.

"So we've avoided becoming lunch for now. How do the rules of your trial apply in this situation? We've bought ourselves some time but we obviously can't stay here until the beast gets tired of waiting."


"Sorry to interrupt your shore leave, sir, but I just received a very disturbing call from Lt. Thadis," Tobin begins, the rehearsed words pouring forth. "He's being held by Vulcan security on accusations of murder, and he asked me to arrange for counsel for him. They cut off the call before he could finish speaking, but he doesn't seem to think he is being treated fairly. Sir, I just can't believe Thadis would murder anyone. He is a member of my department, and I want to help."

Davy, aka GM

"The rules of my kahs-wan are that I must survive in the wilderness for ten days, without bringing with me food, water, or weapons," Sadek replies. "This is partly endurance - demonstrating I can sacrifice personal needs for the benefit of others - but also partly adaptability and ingenuity - foraging, avoiding danger, and such.

"With regards to the sehlat," he adds, looking down at the beast as it paces back and forth, "I do not recall encountering that particular information in my studies."

The boy looks around and seems to spy something tucked under the shade of the leaves. "Vlaggin fruit? This is a vlaggin tree," he confirms, climbing a bit to reach it. He picks the fruit, which is about the diameter of a decent sized peach, and returns to his perch next to the security officer. "It is not yet ripe, which may benefit us."

Sadek hands the fruit to Cole and climbs up to grab more; the security officer finds it has a bit of heft to it.

OOC: I keep misspelling sehlat. The H is in the first syllable; I keep wanting to put it in the second.

T'Kiri leans back slightly and closes her eyes, a ritual of hers that allows her to process the activities and investigations of the day. "I appreciate that I am not alone in my reservations," she says, eyes still closed. "Husband, would you please collect the data viewer from my satchel? I wish to show you something."

As he brings it to her, the investigator opens her eyes and activates it. Sorak sees what seems to be legal code on the screen.

T'Kiri shifts on the couch so she can at least partially face her husband and she invites him to sit next to her. "I have concerns that my colleagues will focus on your Lt. Thadis, and will not consider other possibilities," she says. "This will be a fatal flaw, and if Talvar's killer is to be apprehended, we will need someone from the outside to achieve it.

"I cannot ethically attempt an independent investigation, but there are other alternatives," she says. Referencing the viewer, she notes, "This is the current agreement between Starfleet and the Vulcan government. In section 17, it states that, in instances where a member of Starfleet is a victim or stands accused of a 'major crime,' the commander of the Starfleet station is authorized to invoke this section to conduct an independent investigation of the crime, or, by agreement with the relevant Vulcan authorities (i.e., the local V'Kor provincial commander), to conduct a joint investigation with said relevant authorities. Such joint investigations will always include a liaison officer from the Intelligence Service."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

Sorak quickly reads the relevant section and begins to nod. "Yes,  this will give us an opportunity to ensure justice is served." He stands and retrieve his communicator. "I must contact the captain. Despite my authority as Executive Officer,  this will still require his his approval."
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."


Cole hefts the proffered fruit thoughtfully.

"Are you suggesting we throw these at that thing?" he asks mildly, "Or is there something about the properties of the fruit which the sehlat doesn't like?"

Davy, aka GM

T'Kiri nods. "I suspect the more difficult task will be convincing your father," she notes.

OOC: In case I wasn't clear enough earlier, Spalan is the commander of the province in which both T'Kiri and T'Mag serve.

"Throw it, yes," Sadek says plainly, returning with one in hand and three in his satchel. "Unripe vlaggin fruits are dense, fibrous. They sting if you are hit by one thrown at velocity. I doubt it will hurt the sehlat as much, but I believe it will at least notice it. Such aggression may prompt its departure. What is the saying? 'Make the endeavor not worth the opportunity cost?'"
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva was about to reply when Portmain informed him that Sorak was also needing to speak to him. "Patch him in, Lieutenant; it'll save time."

"Aye, sir."

A moment later, he said, "Gentlemen, Commodore Santiago just informed me about a situation centered on Lieutenant Thadis. I take it, by the timing, that this is why you're both calling."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Doug Burke

Sorak looks thoughtful as he calls the ship and waits to be patched through to the captain. "A valid point, beloved."

Quote"Gentlemen, Commodore Santiago just informed me about a situation centered on Lieutenant Thadis. I take it, by the timing, that this is why you're both calling."

Sorak unconsciously straightens his posture and nods, "Indeed it is, sir. It has come to my attention that it is possible that Mr. Thadis may become an unfortunate victim of Sovon's Razor if we do not take action."

The Vulcan glances at his wife,  a slight smile briefly playing across his features. "To that end,  surfing to Section 17 of the current agreement been Starfleet and the Vulcan government, in cases where a Starfleet officer is accused of a crime, a joint investigation can be performed if Starfleet can obtain the approval of the local Provincial Commander of the V'Kor."
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva replied, "Well, you'll have a chance to suggest that soon. Both of you return to the ship and get ready; we have an appointment with the commodore and a VIS representative at the top of the hour."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on May 31, 2022, 11:53:40 PM
"Throw it, yes," Sadek says plainly, returning with one in hand and three in his satchel. "Unripe vlaggin fruits are dense, fibrous. They sting if you are hit by one thrown at velocity. I doubt it will hurt the sehlat as much, but I believe it will at least notice it. Such aggression may prompt its departure. What is the saying? 'Make the endeavor not worth the opportunity cost?'"

"OK, mate," Cole hefts the fruit to try and get a feel for the shape and weight of the projectile. "Let's see how he likes this."

Cole draws his arm back, being careful to retain his grip on the tree with his free arm, and waiting for the bulk of the beast to become visible through the branches, lets fly.

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Since the goal isn't to injure the beast, but to discourage it's continued presence, we're going to use an extended task.

The key task will be Control + Security (you are throwing a what amounts to a large peach with the density of a softball) vs. Difficulty 2 (through the branches of a stout tree while trying to balance in said tree).

Work is 15
Magnitude is 4
Resistance is 1 (the beastie has a tough hide, after all)

Each task attempt represents one thrown fruit. You currently have only 5 fruits in hand, but you can spend up to 2 Momentum after a successful task to obtain 1 additional fruit per Momentum spent.

Complications can include dropping held ammunition, or angering the beast so much that it decides to come after you. You have been warned. :)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Quote from: Patrick Goodman on June 06, 2022, 11:11:24 AM
Treyva replied, "Well, you'll have a chance to suggest that soon. Both of you return to the ship and get ready; we have an appointment with the commodore and a VIS representative at the top of the hour."

"Very good, sir," Tobin nods to the air. "In the meantime, I have a friend here whose mother is a solicitor. She offered her help when she heard that a crewmate is having legal trouble. Regardless of whether the Vulcans agree to a joint investigation, I'd like to engage her on Lt. Thadis' behalf. If she is anything like her daughter, she would be someone we could trust."