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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Davy, aka GM

Voshen & Chev
As soon as the book is lifted, an adjacent section of the shelf releases from a catch and swings partially open, revealing a stone spiral staircase behind the low portal, descending into darkness. Taking the stairs, the pair find themselves in a roughly hewn tunnel cut through the bedrock with only the dim light of Voshen's tricorder to guide them.

The tricorder does, at least, indicates the passageway is straight and leads to another door some distance ahead, with no twists, turns, or side corridors in between.

Tobin & Cole
The investigators follow Nahwoor outside and down the narrow path between the buildings to the reliquary. Spunkmeyer let's out an appreciative "Woah," at the site of the varied ancient weapons as they pass the displays. Cole, being ever observant, notices that all of the blades appear to be in place, save the S'harien hunting blade.

T'Kiri cautions the second to stand aside to let the Starfleet personnel open the door to the basement workshop.

Spunkmeyer looks to his boss and asks, "Do you want me to take point, sir?"
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


"Go ahead, Mr Spunkmeyer. Nice and easy. We don't have a location on our suspect yet."


Voshen eyed the dim corridor with trepidation.  Climbing back into the small study, he craned out of the doorway and beckoned Drake over from her position guarding the captain.

"A warren, Mr. Drake.  Let us be the velrohks.  Take point, if you would.  Ens. ch'Valk and I will cover you from behind."
-- RG


"Let's check to see if anyone's home," Tobin says, lifting his tricorder and scanning for lifesigns in the workshop.

Davy, aka GM

Voshen & Chev
The security specialist looks from the captain to the gesturing navigator, and back again. A few quiet words are exchanged, and both Drake and Treyva cross the sanctuary to meet Voshen. (Which makes sense in retrospect - the captain would look kinda silly just standing around by himself.)

Drake takes point and Treyva follows behind the trio, letting the new officers take the lead. They return to the tunnel, and the young security specialist uses a torch to light their way and they discover another door at the far end. A small opening in the side wall is just large enough to fit a hand; Drake reaches in and reports she feels what may be four separate levers inside.

"Which one should I pull?" she asks.

Tobin & Cole
Spunkmeyer descends the stairs, keeping himself about half a flight ahead of the officers as he scouts, one hand resting on his phaser handle. He reaches the bottom of the stairs and leans against the end of the inside wall, peering around the corner.

The specialist is difficult to see in the darkness, only the dimmest of orange glow highlighting part of his silhouette. He leans back - or, at least, it seems he leans back - and whispers just loud enough for the others to hear, "Nothing so far. Only light is from the coals. Moving in."

With that, he slips carefully out of view.

OOC: Tobin's check is going to be Insight + Security vs. Difficulty 2 (thanks to the heavy stone walls reflecting the sensor beam).

What is everyone else doing?
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Insight (9) + Security (1) vs. Difficulty 2

Rolled 2d20 : 5, 15, total 20

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 1 Success vs. Difficulty 2. Failure.

As he starts his scan, Tobin quickly realizes the walls of the narrow stairway he's in are limiting his scanning range. He will have to get out into the chamber itself to get a good reading.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Cole heads down the stairs after Spunkmeyer, peering into the gloom below.


Minding the captain's words of warning, Lt. Voshen edged forward in the cramped tunnel and pointed his tricorder towards the lever mechanism...

OOC -- Attempting to scan the levers here to get a readout of the mechanism, perhaps residual Vulcan skin cells from touch, etc.
-- RG


Tobin follows Cole down. "The stairway walls are impeding the tricorder," he informs the security chief in a whisper. "I can't ascertain whether there are any lifesigns in the workshop without getting out into the chamber."


Cole nods quickly.

"Stay behind me, sir," he whispers back, "At least until we know what's what.."

Chev ch'Valk

Recognizing that getting the entire away team together in a narrow corridor behind a secret panel could potentially be a trap set to herd them into an ambush, Chev remains at the bookcase entrance to the passage, facing the study with his phaser drawn, in the event Kavoran tries to close the panel behind the team.
"The sky is a neighborhood." -- Foo Fighters

Davy, aka GM

With Ensign ch'Valk providing over at the other end of the passageway and the captain urging great caution, Voshen scans the hidden levers with his tricorder and determines the far right and second from the left levers must be pulled simultaneously to open the door.

Drake reaches her hand into the cubby and feels around for correct levers, and takes a moment to position herself to be able to pull them both effectively. She struggles, mumbling something about "Vulcan things" being "designed for Vulcan strength" before she gets enough purchase to move them in tandem. The door slides away, revealing a dark chamber...

Meanwhile, on the other side of said chamber, Cole has moved ahead of Tobin as they descend the stairs behind Spunkmeyer, who has moved just out of sight.

OOC: There's Something Happening Here...
Rolled 3d20 : 17, 6, 11, total 34
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: But What It Is, Ain't Exactly Clear...
Rolled 2d20 : 9, 15, total 24

There's a Man with a Gun Over There...
Rolled 2d20 : 16, 15, total 31
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: A-Tellin' Me I Got to Beware
Rolled 7d6 : 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, total 19
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."