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Episode 2.02: Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame

Started by Davy, aka GM, March 25, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

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Doug Burke

Sorak nods, "I concur. Perhaps that should be our next step?"
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

Sorak & T'Kiri
Once the uniformed officers are given their task, husband and wife take a direct transport over to the Vulcan Science Academy. The familiar ancient buildings bring with them a certain nostalgia for the pair, reminders of how they met and how their novel relationship grew during their academic years. Now, a new generation of young Vulcans stride through the courtyards, some alone, some in discussion with their peers, traveling from one hall to another during the "passing period" between classes.

Professor Sanak's office is in the wan-kurkov-clad* low-rise structure, reserved for academic administration and common first year classes. The pair enter through the main doors and T'Kiri presents her credentials to get past the lobby receptionist gatekeeper.

* Wan-kurkov = "whitestone," an archaic functional manufactured stone used to reflect heat from buildings; it hasn't been used on new construction in nearly 400 years, but some "iconic" buildings retain the look. - Ed

As they pass a pair of potted plants that were brand new when the couple were students, she observes with a slight smile of contentment, "I find it intriguing that, through the context of emotional memory, mundane items and locations take on a significance when viewed through a particular 'lens,' as it were. It was by those reeds that we planned our first date, and they have since grown and created new shoots, symbolic of our own growth from the seeds planted that day."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on June 26, 2023, 01:18:30 PM
T'Laang nods and continues, "He presented a clean incision on the distal phalanx of his left thumb, approximately 11.3 millimeters in length and 7.4 millimeters at its deepest, consistent with a finely-sharpened blade edge. I cleaned the wound, scanned the area to ensure there was no damage to the bone or anything that could hamper digital movement, and then applied a basic dermal suture."

"Did he mention how he acquired the injury?" Tobin asks.

Davy, aka GM

Tobin & Cole
"No explanation was required. Kavoran is our most proficient brother in maintaining our collection of weapons, and it forms a core part of his meditation," she says. "A minor, if deep, cut consistent with a thumb slipping on a blade, or the mistaken placement of said thumb on a blade.

"This was not his first such injury, nor do I expect it will be his last."

Seeing dissatisfaction on the faces of the Starfleet officers, the healer adds, "We do not engage in small talk, as you would put it. Nor do we feel compelled to fill silence with sound. A simple wound that is similar to previous wounds that I have treated needs no explanation, and seeking one provides no insight, especially when you know the patterns and routines of another.

"If you must know, we talked about pain and the experience of emotions that surround trauma - even minor traumas such as his cut. He noted he experienced a brief moment of frustration in the aftermath and how his immediate urge was to seek to suppress it, and stated that he intended to meditate on amygdalan suppression and how it plays a role in our various philosophies."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

QuoteAs they pass a pair of potted plants that were brand new when the couple were students, she observes with a slight smile of contentment, "I find it intriguing that, through the context of emotional memory, mundane items and locations take on a significance when viewed through a particular 'lens,' as it were. It was by those reeds that we planned our first date, and they have since grown and created new shoots, symbolic of our own growth from the seeds planted that day."

Sorak nods thoughtfully, "One wonders, would it be considered superstitious to be glad that the plants are still as healthy as our relationship,  and vice verse?"
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."


"I see," Tobin replies. "Thank you for taking a few moments to indulge us."

OOC: I think I'm ready to move on unless you have something, Renny.


OOC: No I don't think Cole has anything to add. The story here seems to be consistent and fits the facts.

Davy, aka GM

Sorak & T'Kiri
"An interesting hypothesis," she responds, a hint of playfulness in her otherwise level tone. "Does noting a parallel and taking solace in it make one superstitious? Would the reeds be considered superstitious for drawing delight from the fact that our relationship has grown as they have?"

The pair reach the turbolifts and press the call button. One quickly arrives, and they direct it to the third level. Once there, they turn right and travel down the familiar office-lined corridor; just about every nameplate displays a recognizable identity, as if time stopped for the academy in the two-plus decades since their matriculation. Finally, at the third door from the end of the corridor, they find the office of Professor Sanak.

The aged academician is sitting at his desk, poring over a codex of some kind; neither Sorak nor T'Kiri recognize it by its form. Their pause at the door almost seems reflexive - muscle memory of being forced to wait in stillness until recognized by their teacher.

Without looking, the visible eyebrow lifts a scant millimeter and a soft, but surprisingly frailer baritone voice than either of them remember drones, "One would think we were transported back in time to your first year, the way you haunt my threshold."

Sanak lifts his gaze to his former pupils and adds, "It is most agreeable to see you both well. I have been made aware that you have prospered since your graduations, both professionally and personally. I expected nothing less from such bright young students.

"Now, what brings you to see me?"
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

Tobin & Cole
T'Laang nods her head, a slight smile gracing her lips. "Of course. Gentlemen."

She turns and heads through a door on the other side of the room. Sikor then gestures toward the way out and says, "I hope we have satisfied your curiosity. Please bear in mind it is possible, however remotely, that a previously unknown blade of that recipe has survived to the present day. Master S'harien crafted blades using various alloy recipes, and kept a significant supply of each. We are the inheritors of some of those, but there were others that are now lost to time."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Quote from: Davy, aka GM on July 13, 2023, 01:48:30 PMSikor then gestures toward the way out and says, "I hope we have satisfied your curiosity. Please bear in mind it is possible, however remotely, that a previously unknown blade of that recipe has survived to the present day. Master S'harien crafted blades using various alloy recipes, and kept a significant supply of each. We are the inheritors of some of those, but there were others that are now lost to time."

Cole's eyebrows rose slightly at this. "May I ask if such a blade was discovered, where would it's finder take it to have it identified, assuming the average individual would not recognise it's significance?"

Davy, aka GM

"An astute question, Durham Cole, and one to which there are many possible answers," Sikor responds as they make their way to the front entrance of the complex. "While it is impossible to know the exact mindset of any potential individual discoverer of such an artifact, one could presume most would inform the relevant local authorities, or bring the item to the nearest university or cultural authority for identification and authentication.

"Very few would seek to retain the artifact - if it has no ancestral value, there's little reason to keep an item that logically should be donated for study, preservation, and display," the Vulcan concludes. "However, please note that I am no expert in psychology."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

Quote"Does noting a parallel and taking solace in it make one superstitious? Would the reeds be considered superstitious for drawing delight from the fact that our relationship has grown as they have?"

"Superstitious or not, the solace itself is its own reward, I would think," the engineer replies with a half-smile. "And, has they the cognition to support such ruminations, I am certain the reeds would likely agree."

On entering Sanak's office, Sorak sobers and nods sagely to the professors greeting. "We are honored by your hospitality, professor," He says, "and come seeking your input regarding a public discussion you held with Kavoran outside a recent conference."
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

Sorak & T'Kiri
Sanak's brow furrows as he searches his memory for the name; a nod of recognition sweeps it away and he answers, "I never knew the scholar's name, but I remember the conversation well.

"His arguments suggested to me he was an adherent of your branch of philosophy," the professor recalls. "They were strongly presented and quite logical; it made for a fascinating discussion, and I cannot remember the last time I was involved in such a lively debate. I am not ashamed to admit I enjoyed it. Kavoran, you said his name was? I do not recognize it, nor did I recognize the color scheme of his academic robes."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


"I hate to give the appearance that I am particularly suspicious of your community, Sikor," Tobin says, "but perhaps it would be prudent to undertake an audit of the alloys in your possession to ensure none are missing."

Davy, aka GM

Tobin & Cole
"You are investigating a particularly disturbing series of crimes, Tobin Les; a healthy amount of suspicion is warranted," Sikor assures the science officer. "Nevertheless, we will take your suggestion under advisement."

He sees the two men to the front gate, and the sentry opens it for them. "May you find your quarry, gentlemen," Sikor adds before he returns the way he came.

OOC: What do Tobin & Cole want to do next?

Treyva & Asha
The couple went over the transcripts again, finding no other connections than the common theme of subtle (and sometimes unsubtle) sectarian rhetoric. Asha leans back and rubs her eyes. "I think the words are starting to blur on me."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."