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Lt. Commander Tobin Les, Chief Science Officer

Started by Nolmir, January 07, 2020, 08:48:02 PM

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Tobin Les

Lieutenant Commander, Starfleet
Chief science officer, USS Drake (NCC-2491)

33-year-old Trill male

Trait: Trill

Control 10
Daring 9
Fitness 8
Insight 9
Presence 9
Reason 11

Conn 2
Command 3
Engineering 3
Medicine 2
Science 5
Security 1

Determination: 1
Stress: 10
Reputation: 14

Anthropology, Astrophysics, Encryption, Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics, Stringed Instruments, Survival

The wise man knows himself to be a fool
The galaxy's mysteries are meant to be uncovered
A ship's crew is stronger together
Hard work keeps my friends safe

Former Initiate
When you spend Determination to buy a bonus d20 on a Control or Reason task, you may re-roll the dice pool.

Intense Scrutiny
Whenever you succeed at a Task using Reason or Control as part of an Extended Task, you may ignore up to two Resistance for every Effect rolled.

Cautious (Science)
Whenever you attempt a Task with Science, and you buy one or more d20s by spending Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20.

Testing a Theory
When attempting an Engineering or Science task, you may roll an additional d20 if you succeeded at a previous task covering the same field earlier in the adventure.

Chief Science Officer: When the science officer succeeds at a Task assisted by the ship's Computers or Sensors, or using a tricorder, the character generates one bonus Momentum, which may only be used on the Obtain Information Momentum Spend.


Tobin grew up on Trill, the son of a writer and a musician. His parents encouraged him to explore the arts, and he eventually became a fine player of the kinor, a Trill instrument similar to the cello. He enjoyed studying great literature and art, but as he grew older, it became apparent his real passion, and talent, lay in mathematics and science. He applied to the Initiate Program, devoting several years of his life to the program, but failed to win a symbiont, leading to a period of depression as he attempted to figure out what he would do with his life.

As his people's ties with the Federation grew and it began to appear inevitable they eventually would join, Tobin latched onto the idea of joining Starfleet, attracted by the challenge it presented. Impulsively, and against his parents' advice, he traveled to Earth at the age of 22 and applied to Starfleet Academy, quickly gaining acceptance, and majored in the sciences. Despite the rigorous coursework, Tobin, who was the only Trill at the Academy (or in Starfleet, as far as he knew) initially found the largest obstacle to be working with the wide variety of students, who hailed from all corners of the Federation and beyond. However, by his sophomore year, he had adapted to, and embraced, this diversity, finding it to be one of Starfleet's greatest strengths.

He graduated from the Academy in 2281, receiving an assignment as a junior science officer aboard the USS Macon, an Oberth-class science vessel assigned to survey systems that had previously received only cursory attention from passing Starfleet vessels. He served on the Macon for six years, rising to the rank of lieutenant and eventually becoming chief science officer under the command of Capt. Prugm bav Gronnahk.

Several months before he was due to transfer off the Macon for several months' leave to visit home on Trill, the ship suffered a catastrophic accident during one of its routine survey missions. While cruising at warp 2, a freak malfunction lead to a cascading failure of the ship's warp drive, quickly escalating out of the crew's ability to contain. All hands reported to the lifeboats, and most made it off the Macon before she was destroyed. Tobin and his good friend Lt. jg. Evan Good, the ship's communications officer, shared a lifeboat, and found themselves adrift for several days before they crash-landed on a barely habitable Class-L planet. Good was injured in the crash, and Tobin, who also was injured, did his best to save his friend while they waited for rescue, but it wasn't enough. By the time rescue vessels found them, Good had died.

Tobin blamed himself, falling back into a period of depression, though he received a promotion to Lieutenant Commander for his efforts to keep Good alive in the survival situation. Tobin reluctantly accepted the promotion, not feeling truly worthy of the honor. After several months of medical treatment and counseling (and a visit home to Trill) following the destruction of the Macon, Lt. Tobin Les returned to active duty, being dispatched to Starbase 24 amid heightened tensions along the Klingon border. Still grieving the loss of his friend and other crewmates, he decided to redouble his efforts, working long hours -- his counselor says it is a (hopefully temporary) coping mechanism for dealing with his grief and feelings of guilt. Regardless, he has received orders to take over as chief science officer aboard the USS Drake.

Average height and build, curly, short black hair and a short, neatly trimmed beard.

Tobin is a focused and dedicated officer, often working in the science labs after the end of his scheduled shift. When he does take time off, he often can be found playing his kinor (a gift from his mother after the Macon was destroyed) in his quarters, as he finds it very relaxing. Very well-read, Tobin tends to use large words in everyday speech. Despite his workaholic tendencies, Tobin does not expect others to work as much as he does, and he generally gets along well with his crewmates and those he supervises. He tends to take a hands-off approach to management, trusting his science officers' skills and dedication.


Episode 1.13: Starting Reputation 10; 2 positive; 14, 7; 1 success; +1 Reputation (11)

Episode 2.1: Starting Reputation 11; 2 positive; 3, 8; 2 successes; +2 Reputation (13)

Episode 2.2: Starting Reputation 13; 2 positive, 1 negative; 5, 3; 2 successes, +2 Reputation (14)



Milestone 1 -- Spotlight
Normal Milestone benefit: -1 Security (1), +1 Command (3)
Spotlight Milestone benefit: -1 Presence (9), +1 Control (10)

Milestone 2 -- Spotlight
Normal Milestone benefit: Remove Warp Field Dynamics focus, replacing with Anthropology
Spotlight Milestone benefit: Remove Collaboration talent, replacing with Intense Scrutiny

Milestone 3 -- Arc
Normal Milestone benefit: Saved for later.
Spotlight Milestone benefit: Remove Studious talent, replacing with Cautious (Science)
Arc Milestone benefit: Add Encryption focus.