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Episode 2.01: Brushfire!

Started by Davy, aka GM, February 14, 2020, 05:58:38 PM

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Patrick Goodman

As Styles and Sorak conversed, Treyva walked over to the comm panel. "Captain, do Tyreen hunting parties typically number in the dozens?"
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

"Of course not. They usually number between four and six. Yesterday, Pelel asked me to join them on a raid against the southern camp, both as a test of the repeater in action before they're needed in the coming battle and also to show him the tactics of such an attack. I was happy to oblige our allies.

"Now, before you say anything else, I didn't bring this to you for a reason. I didn't want to stake your career on my beliefs, and a raid was going to happen with us or without us. By being there, I controlled the strategic goal of the attack, limited our targets to soldiers in a single camp, and ensured we didn't outstay our advantage. And you could disavow me if things went badly, or too well, for that matter."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Tobin's Insight (9) + Science (5) vs. Difficulty 1
Rolled 2d20 : 14, 15, total 29

Thadis' assist: Insight (8) + Scinece (4)
Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Drake Computers + Science (7/2) Assist
Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: That's a Success each from Thadis and the ship, and a Success from Tobin's roll. 3 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 2 Momentum generated! You also have 1 bonus Momentum from your Science Officer role to ask one Obtain Information question. (And Studious allows Thadis to as a second question with that spend.) So, remember to ask your two Obtain Information questions, and how do you want to spend the Momentum?

Momentum 6 (2 pending, Tobin; both must be spent or lost)
Threat 11

Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
More Aggressive Strategy Advantage (Tyreen)
Educated Guess (when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Smoothing Things Over (when attempting to calm ruffled feathers over Styles' raid of the Apellan camp)

As the comms call continues, Tobin and Thadis look at the vector of the Klingon transmission. The beam can only land one place, and that's at the ridge of a low mountain. The location is too narrow to place a scout ship, or an encampment of any significant size, really, but a relay would fit there nicely...
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva felt a headache coming on; he was going to have to visit Dourap in Sickbay soon. "I might still have a chance to disavow you, Styles," he said. "Did your strategic goals include eliminating the advisors?"
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

"Our counterparts?" he responded, using one of the known euphemisms for referring to the Klingons in mixed company. "No. I gave my men explicit instructions to fire only at sentries and section leaders, in that order. We were there to assist Pelel and his men, not take the head off the snake for them.

"To my knowledge, no man from the Rostov strayed from those orders."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: With the two Momentum, can we create an Advantage for locating the Klingons on the planet? Not sure on the wording, but maybe something like Known Communications Signature?

For the two Obtain Information spends: Do the sensors detect a relay on the ridge? Also, does Starfleet know what kind of range a typical Klingon relay setup would have (from the relay to a ship, for instance)?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: We'll call it: "Klingon Comms Signature," which will assist in pinpointing Klingon communications sources.

1. There is, in fact, a well-camouflaged communications relay of Klingon design on that ridge. Passive sensors registered the device, and Tobin and Thadis are able to positively identify it from the data.

2. Tobin can't remember where or when he found a translation of the Klingon "Terrestrial Operations Manual," but he studied it during his downtime period following the Macon incident. The manual states that tight-beam terrestrial communications relays are to be deployed when orbital communications support (i.e., starships) isn't available, and that they are limited by the curvature of a planet and "significant massive obstacles" (such as mountains and cityscapes). The manual provides guidelines for deploying them on pinnacles and other high places to allow for greater communications ranges in such situations. It also states, when conditions on the ground permit, that multiple relays be deployed in highland reaches to broaden communications range within an operational theater.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Ooh, interesting! Tobin will wait for the captain and Sorak to finish their conversation with Styles before offering up what he's found.

As the senior officers speak with Styles, Tobin quietly consults with Thadis. "I want someone to keep an eye on that relay at all times. If we detect another tight-beam transmission being sent or received by it, my hope is that we can continue tracing their communication signals to their ultimate origin point. They must have a command post of some sort on the planet."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva gave Sorak a look. "Well, whether it was from the Rostov or not, someone took aim at our counterparts during that raid," he said, "though at least one appears to have survived. Somebody got off a tight-beam communication shortly after it ended. We're still trying to track down the signal, but I imagine we're going to have company soon."
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

"Damn," he mutters under his breath. "I can't say I saw the Klingons at all during the action; I'll have to confirm with my men, but our attention was on the warriors on the near side of camp."

The captain pauses for a moment, then adds, "You know, at our range in those early hours, the Tyreen may not have been able to distinguish a Klingon from an Apellan. The Klingons may have been unintentional casualties.

"Anyway, I can fill you in more when you beam down here. We need to discuss the results of the ambush with Yutan."
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


Cole's expression clearly indicated what he thought of his Captain beaming down into a potentially hostile situation but he kept quiet while the channel was open.

Doug Burke

Treyva shares a look with Sorak and Cole, "Understood, Captain. We'll break down presently. Treyva out."

As the captain ended the conversation, Sorak turned to him, "With the Klingon vessel question still unanswered, I would suggest it would be unwise for both of us to beam down now." The Vulcan gestured to the Security Chief, "Additionally, I would strongly advise that you take Mr. Cole and a security team with you."
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."


Cole nods, perhaps a little too vigorously.

"Agreed, sir. I don't want to overstep my authority but i'd strongly recommend against beaming into this situation without a security presence."