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Episode 2.01: Brushfire!

Started by Davy, aka GM, February 14, 2020, 05:58:38 PM

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Davy, aka GM

OOC: Tobin, please give me a Control + Science Scan For Weakness Task vs. Difficulty 1, increased to Difficulty 3 for Long Range (2 zones beyond Close). The ship will assist with Sensors + Security (9/3).
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: Control (10) + Science (5) vs. Difficulty 1
Rolled 2d20 : 6, 13, total 19

Ship's assist: Sensors (9) + Security (3)
Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15

Patrick Goodman

"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: The ship is no help, but Tobin scores 2 Successes. 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 3. Close, but a failure.

Keep the initiative and attack, anyway?
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: I vote yes, as it's unlikely they'll miss next time.

Patrick Goodman

"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?


Davy, aka GM

OOC: And I goofed. I forgot Sorak acted just after Lear. (I mistakenly thought it was Maria who acted immediately after Lear.) So, the Drake is actually out of turns this round (Lear, Sorak, Maria, Tobin), meaning the next attack will have to wait; the benefit to that is that it will be Lear's first Task in the new round.

L-9 Commander Rally Presence + Command (9/2) Task vs. Difficulty 0.
Rolled 2d20 : 20, 6, total 26
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 1 Success vs. Difficulty 0. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated, and 1 Complication generated.

The Complication will be Challenged Authority, which will increase the Difficulty of all tasks by L-9B's crew for their Round 3 turns.

Now, we can get to the beginning of Round 3, and you folks have the first turn.

Lear will Fire Torpedoes, using Control + Security vs. Difficulty 3. The ship will assist with Weapons + Security ().

Tell me if you're firing a single torpedo (+1 Threat) or a full spread (+3 Threat). A full spread deals +1[CD] damage on a hit and has the Spread quality. The Spread quality means that, if an Effect is rolled on damage, an additional random system is hit. The damage of the second hit is resolved separately from the initial hit, and is equal to half the damage rolled for the first hit (round up), plus 1 damage for each additional Effect rolled after the first. (So, if a full spread causes 7 damage + 3 Effects, the secondary hit causes 6 damage (3.5, rounded up to 4, +2 for the extra Effects).)

Ship Status
L-9 A - 7 net Power spent
L-9 B - 5 net Power spent
Drake - Power Remaining 8/9

Turns Left In Round 3 (and who has attempted tasks)
L-9 A - 3 ()
L-9 B - 3 ()
DrakeTS - 4 ()

C Commanding officer has used their Direct Task this scene.
T Treyva has used his Direct Task this scene.
S Sorak has used his Direct Task this scene.

The Wounded
Cole - Injury/Stable (2 Complications)
Kowalski - Injury/Stable

Momentum 6
Threat 1

Advantages & Complications
Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (Drake; when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
Educated Guess Advantage (Drake; when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Trauma Shock Complication (Cole; Injury-related)
Massive Internal Injuries Complication (Cole; Injury-related)
Helm Console Damage Complication (Drake; when attempting a Task from the Helm Station)
Partial Phaser Power Failure Complication (Drake phaser attacks cost 2 Power, and you cannot add power to increase damage)
...And It's Contagious Complication (L-9A; when attempting a Fire Torpedoes Task)
Challenged Authority Complication (L-9B; all tasks in Round 3)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."


OOC: I'm going to assume full spread unless anyone has a strong objection.

Control (9) + Security (4) vs Difficulty 3. Spending 1 Momentum to buy additional dice. Using Focus - Shipboard Tactical Systems.

Rolled 3d20 : 10, 11, 17, total 38


OOC: Ok so 2 successes so far. Ship assist

Weapons (9) + Security (3)

Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17


Davy, aka GM

OOC: Lear has 2 Successes, and the ship adds none, for a total of 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 3. Failure.

Whatever bad luck that seems to be gripping both sides over Neural continues as a shot that Lear thought he had lined up perfectly, curls away from the targeted Saber and detonates harmlessly somewhere beyond it.

OOC: L-9A Engineer Power Management Task Control + Engineering (9/2) vs. Difficulty 2. Spending 1 Threat to Create Opportunity.
Rolled 3d20 : 15, 13, 17, total 45

Ship Status
L-9 A - 7 net Power spent
L-9 B - 5 net Power spent
Drake - Power Remaining 8/9

Turns Left In Round 3 (and who has attempted tasks)
L-9 A - 3 (Engineer)
L-9 B - 3 ()
DrakeTS - 3 (Lear)

C Commanding officer has used their Direct Task this scene.
T Treyva has used his Direct Task this scene.
S Sorak has used his Direct Task this scene.

The Wounded
Cole - Injury/Stable (2 Complications)
Kowalski - Injury/Stable

Momentum 5
Threat 1

Advantages & Complications
Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (Drake; when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
Educated Guess Advantage (Drake; when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Trauma Shock Complication (Cole; Injury-related)
Massive Internal Injuries Complication (Cole; Injury-related)
Helm Console Damage Complication (Drake; when attempting a Task from the Helm Station)
Partial Phaser Power Failure Complication (Drake; phaser attacks cost 2 Power, and you cannot add power to increase damage)
...And It's Contagious Complication (L-9A; when attempting a Fire Torpedoes Task)
Challenged Authority Complication (L-9B; all tasks in Round 3)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 0 Successes. Failure.

The comedy of errors appears to be expanding...over to you folks.

Ship Status
L-9 A - 7 net Power spent
L-9 B - 5 net Power spent
Drake - Power Remaining 8/9

Turns Left In Round 3 (and who has attempted tasks)
L-9 A - 2 (Engineer)
L-9 B - 3 ()
DrakeTS - 3 (Lear)

C Commanding officer has used their Direct Task this scene.
T Treyva has used his Direct Task this scene.
S Sorak has used his Direct Task this scene.

The Wounded
Cole - Injury/Stable (2 Complications)
Kowalski - Injury/Stable

Momentum 5
Threat 0

Advantages & Complications
Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (Drake; when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
Educated Guess Advantage (Drake; when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Trauma Shock Complication (Cole; Injury-related)
Massive Internal Injuries Complication (Cole; Injury-related)
Helm Console Damage Complication (Drake; when attempting a Task from the Helm Station)
Partial Phaser Power Failure Complication (Drake; phaser attacks cost 2 Power, and you cannot add power to increase damage)
...And It's Contagious Complication (L-9A; when attempting a Fire Torpedoes Task)
Challenged Authority Complication (L-9B; all tasks in Round 3)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Should we try talking again...?
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?