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Episode 2.01: Brushfire!

Started by Davy, aka GM, February 14, 2020, 05:58:38 PM

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Patrick Goodman

Veteran allows me the opportunity to get that Determination back. It hasn't worked out yet for me, but there's always hope.

Rolled 1d6 : 5, total 5

Maybe this will be the one....
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Patrick Goodman

"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: Thanks to the captain's example, Ally gets 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated.

And Treyva recovers the point of Determination he just spent.

Roll 7[CD] damage to AEW-N.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

7 [CD] coming right up!

Rolled 7d6 : 1, 5, 4, 2, 5, 4, 6, total 27
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 6 damage + 3 effects = 9 damage.

AEW-N 3[CD] cover dice
Rolled 3d6 : 2, 5, 5, total 12
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: First, I forgot to change the Momentum and Threat numbers based on Treyva's purchase. There should've been 2 Momentum and 2 Threat in the pools at the beginning of Ally's term.

Second, ignore that roll I just made. AEW-N just threw the rifle toward the landing party; he's fully exposed, so no Resistance for him.

AEW-N takes 9 Stress and an Injury. The warrior will spend 2 Threat to avoid it.

The warrior is spun around by the shot and disappears from view as he hits the ground.

OOC: Do you folks want to keep the initiative and have Dietrich act?

Who Is Left to Act, Round 3
Landing Party: Dietrich Cole, Kowalski
Apellans: M, r, u, v, w, P

Remaining Stress
Treyva 10
Cole* 17 11 6 Injury
Ally* 14 8 5
Tann-Tyra* 14 7
Kowalski* 12 9 0 Injury/Stable
Dietrich 12

* Has Avoided Injury and not yet successfully Recovered.

Kowalski and Dietrich have Control 10, Daring 10, Fitness 9, Command 2, Security 2, and Medicine 1. Their stat line for the Repeater is Ranged, 5 [CD], Vicious 1, Deadly.

Damage Taken
AEW-M -4 -7
AEW-N* -9 (unarmed)
AEW-P* -10 -12 - Injured x2/Dead

AEW-r* -5
AEW-u 0 (reloading - 1 turn)
AEW-v -3 (reloading - 1 turn)
AEW-w 0 (reloading - 1 turn)

Momentum 2 (1 pending, Ally)
Threat 0

Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
More Aggressive Strategy Advantage (Tyreen)
Educated Guess Advantage (when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Help Is On the Way Advantage (Styles' landing party in the current battle, representing Tyreen reinforcements)
Cover Fire Advantage (Landing party vs. the elite Apellan ambush)
Gun Jammed Complication (Apellan Elite Warrior "N")

Weapon: Repeating Rifle (ranged, 3+Sec [CD], Vicious 1, Deadly)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Doug Burke

Go ahead and bank my Momentum. And I say we let the Apellans go.
"Plus who is going to be consoling Sorak there?"

"The commander raises a valid concern," Sorak replied with his usual aplomb, "As you can see, I am beside myself with worry."

Davy, aka GM

The last warrior on the ridge drops to the ground and fires at the landing party from a prone position.

OOC: AEW-M Control + Security (10/3) vs. Difficulty 2
Rolled 2d20 : 12, 17, total 29
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

It seems like the warrior was aiming for the cover behind which the landing party is hiding, but his shots impact the ground a few meters short.

Meanwhile, Dietrich decides to return the favor.

OOC: Dietrich Control + Security (10/2) vs. Difficulty 2, reduced to Difficulty 1 by Cover Fire
Rolled 2d20 : 10, 2, total 12
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 1. Success, plus 1 Momentum generated.

The specialist's surgical strikes chip away pieces of rock on either side of the Apellan, who reflexively rolls out of sight.

Meanwhile, the warriors below busy themselves with reloading their rifled muskets.

OOC: Okay, Round 4 is here, and the landing party goes first. The Apellans are all hiding behind their cover. Who is first? Is Treyva going to order a general retreat? Is one of the younger 'Fleeters going to try to keep the enemy in hiding?

Who Is Left to Act, Round 4
Landing Party: Ally, Dietrich, Tann-Tyra, Treyva, Cole, Kowalski
Apellans: M, N, r, u, v, w, P

Remaining Stress
Treyva 10
Cole* 17 11 6 Injury
Ally* 14 8 5
Tann-Tyra* 14 7
Kowalski* 12 9 0 Injury/Stable
Dietrich 12

* Has Avoided Injury and not yet successfully Recovered.

Kowalski and Dietrich have Control 10, Daring 10, Fitness 9, Command 2, Security 2, and Medicine 1. Their stat line for the Repeater is Ranged, 5 [CD], Vicious 1, Deadly.

Damage Taken
AEW-M -4 -7
AEW-N* -9 (unarmed)
AEW-P* -10 -12 - Injured x2/Dead

AEW-r* -5 (reloading - 1 turn)
AEW-u 0 (reloading - 2 turns)
AEW-v -3 (reloading - 2 turns)
AEW-w 0 (reloading - 2 turns)

Momentum 4
Threat 0

Well-Oiled Machine Advantage (when a PC or supporting character assists a PC on a shipboard task)
More Aggressive Strategy Advantage (Tyreen)
Educated Guess Advantage (when using ship's sensors to actively scan for cloaked ships)
Help Is On the Way Advantage (Styles' landing party in the current battle, representing Tyreen reinforcements)
Cover Fire Advantage (Landing party vs. the elite Apellan ambush)
Gun Jammed Complication (Apellan Elite Warrior "N")

Weapon: Repeating Rifle (ranged, 3+Sec [CD], Vicious 1, Deadly)
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

That is exactly Treyva's intention, once his player has a little more time....
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Patrick Goodman

Treyva took a quick look around, and pointed to the north. "We've got to get them out of here and back to the ship!" he said.
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: I think I'm going to make this a task for Treyva after all. Patrick, please attempt a Presence + Command vs. Difficulty 3 to safely lead the landing party out of harm's way; Cover Fire will reduce the Difficulty to 2.

Success ends the combat scene with the landing party retreating to safety, where they can beam out without being observed. Failure will mean Success at Cost (specific cost TBD).
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Patrick Goodman

Treyva "Marines, we are leaving!" Task
Presence + Command (10/5), TN15, dffective D2, Lead by Example Focus should apply
Rolled 2d20 : 9, 9, total 18

Let's do this.
"Be bold. Be brave. Be courageous." -- Captain Christopher Pike
Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

If you enjoy my work, why not buy me a coffee?

Davy, aka GM

OOC: 2 Successes vs. Difficulty 2. Success!

In an orderly fashion, with Tann-Tyra leading the way out, the landing party is able to move back up the hill and out of range of the Apellan warriors. About midway through their retreat, it becomes clear that the enemy is content to let them go. The conscious crew check to make sure they're alone, and then beam back to the ship.

Two medical teams are standing by to meet the landing party as they arrive in the transporter room. Orderlies whisk away Kowalski and Cole, while Thelma remains to triage the injuries of the remaining landing party members. The nurse and Chief Kalsi escort Ally and Tann-Tyra to sickbay, leaving Treyva and Dietrich behind. The security specialist collects the rifles and lines them up along the side wall. He looks to the captain for other orders before he continues his work.

In sickbay, Dr. Dourap and Casey work to save Lt. Cole's life.

OOC: Dourap Daring + Medicine (7/5) vs. Difficulty 1
Rolled 2d20 : 20, 18, total 38

Casey Daring + Medicine (10/4) Assist
Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."