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Supervisory & Supporting Characters, & Major NPCs (2e)

Started by Davy, aka GM, January 30, 2025, 10:49:31 AM

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Davy, aka GM

This thread contains all 2nd Ed. versions of our supervisory & supporting characters and major NPCs.

Supervisory Characters
Lt. Miguel Rene Carlos Ramirez de Costaluna, Chief Communications Officer, USS Drake
Lt. Maria DelVecchio, Chief Helmsman, USS Drake
Lt. Ratzmuridan Dourap, M.D., Chief Surgeon, USS Drake
Lt. Nikolai Kolesnikov, Chief Engineer, USS Drake
Captain Rafael Santos, Commanding Officer, USS Springfield
Lt. Cmdr. Paula Lucilla Tyler, receiving treatment for her optical nerve injury on Earth

Supporting Characters
Asha, Denobulan geologist & Treyva's second wife
Specialist 1st Class Ally Banks, Security Specialist, USS Drake
Lt. J.g. Miruku Bong, Relief Helmsman/Navigator, USS Drake
Lt. Robin Brown, R.N., Shift Nurse, USS Drake
Cathy Chen, First Mate, merchantman Jenny
Chief Specialist Guwinder Dhall, Security Specialist, USS Drake
Lt. j.g. Gerald Fryling, Shift Security Officer, USS Drake
Lt. Peter Galt, M.D., Surgeon, USS Drake
Chief Specialist Edrion Kalsi, Senior Enlisted Medic, USS Drake
Lt. Casey Kiunya, Head Nurse, USS Drake
Lt. David Lear, Assistant Chief Security Officer, USS Drake
Ensign Calum O'Neil, Shift Security Officer, USS Drake
Ensign Olodon Anh Sal, Shift Security Officer, USS Drake
Ensign Katarina Schrepfermann, Shift Phaser Control Officer, USS Drake
Cadet 3rd Class Sonek, Midshipman, Starfleet Academy
Capt. Sorak, Captain of Engineering and Portmaster, Eridani Shipyards
Lt. j.g. Eiko T'Flar, Shift Helmsman, USS Drake
T'Kiri, Vulcan V'Kor investigator & Sorak's mate
Ensign Tann-Tyra, Shift Security Officer, USS Drake
Lt. Thadis keth Dra, Astronomer, USS Drake
Chief Yeoman Regina Waymire, Senior Captain's Yeoman, USS Drake
Lt. j.g. Jacob York, Biologist & Klingon Cultural Specialist, USS Drake
Yeoman Zorana, Captain's Yeoman, USS Drake

Major NPCs
Andorian Defense Force Commander Garav keth Idrani, Deputy Program Manager for Fleet and Force Security, Farsha Tactical Analysis Center, Andoria - MAJOR NPC
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."

Davy, aka GM

de Costaluna, Miguel Rene (born Miguel Rene Carlos Ramirez de Costaluna) - Supervisory Character
Lieutenant, Starfleet
Chief Communications Officer, USS Drake (NCC-2491)

27-year-old human male (b. ca. 2262, Terra Nova Colony)

Department: Operations
Traits: Human, Starfleet Officer

Control - 10
Daring - 9
Fitness - 8
Insight - 11
Presence - 8
Reason - 11

Command* - 3
Conn - 2
Security - 3
Engineering - 4
Science - 4
Medicine - 1

Linguistics, Cryptography, Damage Control Coordination, Subspace Communications*

Collaboration (Engineering)* - Whenever an ally attempts a Task using Engineering, you may spend one Momentum (Immediate) to allow them to use your Engineering score and one of your Focuses.

I Can Speak That!*

Introduced: 1.3, Featured: 1.5, 1.11, 2.01

Human Attribute Bonuses: Control, Insight, Presence

Note: The traditional Spanish patronymic style used by the Novans makes Miguel's full surname Carlos Ramirez de Costaluna and dictates that "Carlos" is the shortened version of his surname (and the name used for alphabetization); however, 23rd Century Novan culture uses the final surname, especially the section preceded by "de," as the shortened surname (and the basis of alphabetization). Thus, instead of being Miguel Rene Carlos, he is Miguel Rene de Costaluna. Miguel Rene is a single name (a compound forename, as per Spanish traditional naming practices, even though he normally answers to just Miguel).

Miguel Costaluna was born in 2262 on Terra Nova; he was a bookish sort, though physically active as the son of a secondary school gym teacher. Miggy excelled in school, especially linguistics; he originally intended to attend UTN-NI (University of Terra Nova - New Ireland), but a friend convinced him to apply to Starfleet Academy.

The young Costaluna breezed through the academic curriculum, specializing in communications operations. Upon his graduation near the top of his class in 2284, he was selected for the advanced command placement program, a new initiative by Fleet Admiral Morrow to accelerate the advancement of high academic achievers. He completed the one-year program and chose USS Drake (NCC-1553) as his first assignment (against the advice of his detailers), stating that it was "distinctive" to serve on the last ship of a class.

Miguel was seriously injured and nearly lost his life in a skirmish with a blockade runner, but he was able to recover and contribute to the remainder of the mission.

Since his arrival on the Drake and subsequent injury in 2288, Miguel is less the energetic and youthful officer struggling to master his social skills. He has matured and found himself more at ease with his shipmates; however, he spent significant off-duty time in seclusion, retreating into his academic world of linguistics notes and self-entertainment of manufacturing languages. Of note, the addition of Ensign Chev ch'Valk to the crew has brought him out of his shell somewhat, and the two have started a language creation game between themselves.
"Course, sir?"

"Out there...thataway."