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Star Trek: Drake's Legacy [Modiphius 2d20] / Re: OOC Discussions
Last post by Davy, aka GM - January 07, 2025, 09:35:16 AM
Heh, you know, I forgot that we may not remember every episode title, which is all I'm concerned about including on the Log Sheet right now. Here's the current completed episode list:

Episode 1.1 - A First Test (2285) - Treyva's introduction
Episode 1.2 - Scratch & Lugs (2285)
Episode 1.3 - The Well of Dreams (2286)
Episode 1.4 - First Response (2286)
Episode 1.5 - A Lot by Design (2286)
Episode 1.6 - Prime Suspect (2286)
Episode 1.7 - The Old Maroon and Gold (2286)
Episode 1.8 - Ship of Ice (2287)
Episode 1.9 - Twilight of the Cat (2287)
Episode 1.10 - Audi, Vide, Tace (2287)
Episode 1.11 - What Do Klingons Call a Klingon Standoff? (2288)
Episode 1.12 - Casus Belli (2288) - Cole's introduction
Episode 1.13 - Vengeance, with Interest (2288) - Tobin's introduction

Episode 2.01 - Brushfire! (2289)
Episode 2.02 - Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame (2289) - Voshen & Chev's introduction

(So, apparently, I added 1 to each Cole & Tobin, and miscounted the number of pre-STA episodes (10, not 11). Ep. 2.02 was Cole's 4th, and Tobin's 3rd. Both gents will have 1 milestone and 1 character arc.)

I will put up a sticky topic that lists all completed and current episodes.
Star Trek: Drake's Legacy [Modiphius 2d20] / Re: OOC Discussions
Last post by Renny - January 07, 2025, 05:07:08 AM
In response to Davy's PM, I've updated the 2e character post for Cole to add previous milestones and adjusted reputation down to 3 on the character sheet as his rep hasn't changed following this past mission.

I've not kept episode logs and so haven't taken any advancement from that. I've printed out the log sheet from the new core book and will write up a log from this past mission and add it to the writeup when done. Next I'll start on converting some of the supporting characters as requested

Spotlight Milestone - Reduce Presence by 1, Increase Control by 1
Normal Milestone - Apply change of Focus for Ally Banks - Change Hand Phasers to Combat Medic

Current Determination

Episode 2.2: 4

Log entry after Episode 1.13: -1 Presence (9), +1 Control (10)
Milestone after Episode 2.1: +1 Command (3)
Character Arc after Episode 2.2: Add Encryption focus
Tobin grew up on Trill, the son of a writer and a musician. His parents encouraged him to explore the arts, and he eventually became a fine player of the kinor, a Trill instrument similar to the cello. He enjoyed studying great literature and art, but as he grew older, it became apparent his real passion, and talent, lay in mathematics and science. He applied to the Initiate Program, devoting several years of his life to the program, but failed to win a symbiont, leading to a period of depression as he attempted to figure out what he would do with his life.

As his people's ties with the Federation grew and it began to appear inevitable they eventually would join, Tobin latched onto the idea of joining Starfleet, attracted by the challenge it presented. Impulsively, and against his parents' advice, he traveled to Earth at the age of 22 and applied to Starfleet Academy, quickly gaining acceptance, and majored in the sciences. Despite the rigorous coursework, Tobin, who was the only Trill at the Academy (or in Starfleet, as far as he knew) initially found the largest obstacle to be working with the wide variety of students, who hailed from all corners of the Federation and beyond. However, by his sophomore year, he had adapted to, and embraced, this diversity, finding it to be one of Starfleet's greatest strengths.

He graduated from the Academy in 2281, receiving an assignment as a junior science officer aboard the USS Macon, an Oberth-class science vessel assigned to survey systems that had previously received only cursory attention from passing Starfleet vessels. He served on the Macon for six years, rising to the rank of lieutenant and eventually becoming chief science officer under the command of Capt. Prugm bav Gronnahk.

Several months before he was due to transfer off the Macon for several months' leave to visit home on Trill, the ship suffered a catastrophic accident during one of its routine survey missions. While cruising at warp 2, a freak malfunction lead to a cascading failure of the ship's warp drive, quickly escalating out of the crew's ability to contain. All hands reported to the lifeboats, and most made it off the Macon before she was destroyed. Tobin and his good friend Lt. jg. Evan Good, the ship's communications officer, shared a lifeboat, and found themselves adrift for several days before they crash-landed on a barely habitable Class-L planet. Good was injured in the crash, and Tobin, who also was injured, did his best to save his friend while they waited for rescue, but it wasn't enough. By the time rescue vessels found them, Good had died.

Tobin blamed himself, falling back into a period of depression, though he received a promotion to Lieutenant Commander for his efforts to keep Good alive in the survival situation. Tobin reluctantly accepted the promotion, not feeling truly worthy of the honor. After several months of medical treatment and counseling (and a visit home to Trill) following the destruction of the Macon, Lt. Tobin Les returned to active duty, being dispatched to Starbase 24 amid heightened tensions along the Klingon border. Still grieving the loss of his friend and other crewmates, he decided to redouble his efforts, working long hours -- his counselor says it is a (hopefully temporary) coping mechanism for dealing with his grief and feelings of guilt. Regardless, he has received orders to take over as chief science officer aboard the USS Drake.

Average height and build, curly, short black hair and a short, neatly trimmed beard.

Tobin is a focused and dedicated officer, often working in the science labs after the end of his scheduled shift. When he does take time off, he often can be found playing his kinor (a gift from his mother after the Macon was destroyed) in his quarters, as he finds it very relaxing. Very well-read, Tobin tends to use large words in everyday speech. Despite his workaholic tendencies, Tobin does not expect others to work as much as he does, and he generally gets along well with his crewmates and those he supervises. He tends to take a hands-off approach to management, trusting his science officers' skills and dedication.
Reputation / Milestone Changes
"Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame"
  • 2 Positive Influences, 0 Negative.  Rolled 1 Reputation Complication, so Reputation drops from 10 to 9.
  • Gained Spotlight Milestone.  Replace "Dauntless" Talent with "Quick Survey", and Gambling Focus with Cold Reading
Determination Changes
"Rivulets of Copper, Eyes Aflame"
  • Episode starts with 1.
  • Episode 2.02, Post #638: Spent 1 Determination using "The First Step Always Involves Risk" when flying the Dubilier through a Vulcan sandstorm to buy a Perfect Opportunity.  Determination at 0.

"The Trill Question"
  • Episode starts with 1.
  • Episode 2.03, Post #42: Gained 1 Determination using "Exploration Over Tradition" after determining that the reclusive Trill society mirrored his own resented, sheltered upbringing.  Determination at 2.

Born: Day 372910 of the Zaranite Reckoning, Earth year 2200

General Description: Medium-build, about 1.78 meters in height,  Continually wears a Zaranite rebreather with developed fluorine reservoirs and a facemask with eye protection.  Wears a standard uniform without Zaranite familial decoration.  Gregarious and inquistive, his vocoder is pitched slightly higher than standard in a bid to sound more approachable.

Voshen is the third son of three siblings.  His mother and father are employed as geothermal scientists within the Scientific Corps.  Devout in their belief in the numerology underpinning Zaranite psychohistory, they settled their family on Argus V, a far-flung isolated colony, after conferring with the mystics on their homeworld.  Voshen's childhood was spent exploring the cliffs surrounding his colony and dreaming about the motion of the stars behind the ash clouds of the planet.  As he grew into adolescence, his itinerant stargazing would take him farther from his home, begging passage from the occasional resupply shuttles and sometimes even stowing away.  His application to Starfleet came as a foregone conclusion, his parents long since given up in curtailing their son's wanderlust and he having given up on their orthodox beliefs that choked him more than any rebreather he would need on Earth.

Life at the Academy was fascinating, full of thousands of new faces and species.  With a hunger, Voshen leapt into his studies and quickly gained a reputation as a gregarious cadet and skilled pilot, if not a bit of a daredevil.  After a junior prank had him buzzing the academy grounds in a commandeered shuttlepod, Voshen was nearly expelled.  His flight privileges revoked, he realized how devastated he would be had he been forced to return home again to Argus V Colony.  He redoubled his efforts into his studies, promising to only engage any further risk-taking in service to his crew.  Forced to change focuses to Navigation, Voshen found the more intellectual field to be a pleasant change, charting stars and courses reminding him of nights spent at home under the stars.

The academic reprimands stalled Voshen's career out of the gate, but he quickly made up for lost time.  He made himself invaluable on every ship he was assigned to, not only as an astronavigator but as a friendly face and a dependable presence, especially around the poker table.  A small hiccup occurred in 2284 when aboard the USS Hawking, non-corporeal lifeforms infected his rebreather, taking control of his mind and driving him to nearly breach the warp core.  The crew rescued the ship and him in the nick of time, and he left the event humbled and with a strange but useful understanding of high-energy particles and their motions.

His career was nearly brought to a permanent halt on the surface of Eta Indi VII.  While on a routine shuttlecraft maneuvers, his shuttle was struck by a rogue gravitic eddy and crash-landed on the Class K planet.  His rebreather non-operable after the crash, Voshen survived for 18 hours, long enough to repair a distress signal, but not before irreparable damage was done to his lungs and respiratory tracts.  On medical leave, Starfleet doctors were able to refine his rebreather to give the specific gas combination his body could absorb, but he would be tied to the rebreather forever.  Sinking into a deep depression, unable to even return to his home, Voshen eventually pulled himself out of his despair by concentrating on returning to duty.  Making peace with his new disability, Voshen uses it as a motivation to become the cornerstone of any crew he is on.  After all, for better or worse, the ship is his home now.

  • Species: Zaranite [Control/Fitness/Reason +1; "Multispectrum Vision" Species Ability]
  • Environment: Frontier Colony (Argus V) ["Exploration Over Tradition" Value; Fitness/Conn +1]
  • Upbringing: Science and Tech (Rebelled) [Daring/Engineering +1; Insight +2; Helm Operations Focus; Dauntless Talent]
  • Career: Command Track [Starfleet Officer Trait, "My Actions Must Serve the Crew" Value; Control/Daring/Presence +1; Conn +2; Engineering/Command +1; Astronavigation, Team Dynamics, Gambling Focuses; Collaboration: Conn Talent]
  • Experience: Experienced ["A First Step Always Involves Risk" Value; Technical Expertise Talent]
  • Career Events: Encountered a Truly Alien Being [Reason/Science +1; Exotic Particles Focus], Serious Injury [Fitness/Medicine +1; Composure Focus; Necessary Rebreather Trait]
  • Finishing Touches: ["The Ship is My Only Home" Value; Presence/Daring +1; Conn/Security +1; Reassuring Talent; Poker Pastime; Navigator Role]
88 year old Zaranite male
Lieutenant, UFP Starfleet
Navigator, U.S.S. Drake, NCC-2491
Command Department

Zaranites are hardy and immune to toxic gases, complications due to bright lighting, and can survive the extremes conditions of the vacuum of space, so long as their respirator tanks last. In general, Zaranites are pleasant if not somewhat reserved. In addition to their service in Starfleet, Zaranites also serve in various positions within the scientific community and diplomatic corps.

Multispectrum Vision
Zaranites can see a broader spectrum of light than most humanoid species, allowing them to visually detect electromagnetic radiation not in the standard range of visible light.

Starfleet Officer
A member of Starfleet, an officer committed to Starfleet's ideals of exploration, diplomacy, and scientific endeavor.

Necessary Rebreather
Whereas most Zaranites may remove their rebreather on their home planet or the confines of specialized quarters, an accident has left Voshen fully dependent on his rebreather at all times.  Without it, even his native fluoride gas would damage his respiratory organs inside of a few minutes.

Control: 9
Daring: 10
Fitness: 10
Insight: 9
Presence: 9
Reason: 9

Command: 2
Conn: 5
Security: 2
Engineering: 3
Science: 2
Medicine: 2

Determination: 2 / 3
Stress: 10 / 10
Reputation: 9

Helm Operations, Astronavigation, Team Dynamics, Cold Reading, Exotic Particles, Composure


Exploration Over Tradition
My Actions Must Serve the Crew
A First Step Always Involves Risk
The Ship is My Only Home

Multispectrum Vision (Species Ability)
Zaranites can see a broader spectrum of light than most humanoid species. You gain the Multispectrum Vision trait, which represents the ways that your senses differ from those of other members of your species. Further, when you attempt a task to locate something hidden or concealed, or to detect details not normally perceptible to that sense, you may re-roll a single d20.

Quick Survey
At the start of a scene, you may immediately ask one question, as if you had spent 1 Momentum on the Obtain Information Momentum Spend. The answer can only provide information that you could obtain with your own senses: you cannot gain information from equipment in such a short time.

Collaboration: Conn
Whenever an ally attempts a task using Conn, you may spend 1 Momentum (Immediate) to allow them to use your Conn rating and one of your relevant Focuses.

Technical Expertise
Whenever you attempt a task assisted by the ship's Computers or Sensors, you may re-roll one d20 in your pool, or you may allow the ship to re-roll its d20.

When you succeed at a task using your Presence, you may spend Momentum to reassure your allies, so long as they are able to hear you. You may spend 1 Momentum (Repeatable) to allow one ally who can see and hear you to recover 1 Stress. That ally may not recover more than 3 Stress from one use of this talent.

When you attempt a Science task related to astrophysics or stellar navigation, you may use your Conn rating instead of Science. When you attempt or Assist a Task to maneuver a starship through difficult or dangerous terrain, you may spend 1 Momentum to ignore a Complication suffered (Repeatable).
Based on the post I made when we were converting over to STA (and well before I considered the possibility that the Anton-class Drake would be retired), here's a potential 2295 command structure for the current ship.

Potential future command structure of USS Drake, NCC-2491

Commanding Officer
Captain Paula Tyler, human/female (Texas, USA, Earth)

Executive Officer
Commander Durham Cole, human/male (Australia, Earth)

Chief Navigator
Lieutenant Commander Miruku Bong, human/female (Deneva Colony)

Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Commander Nikolai Kolesnikov, human/male (Russia, Earth)

Chief Helm Officer
Lieutenant Commander Voshen Zaranite/male (Zaran II)

Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Sonek, Vulcan/male (Vulcan)

Chief Communications Officer
Lieutenant Chev ch'Valk, Andorian/male (Andoria)

Chief Security/Weapons Officer
Lieutenant Katarina Schrepfermann, human/female (Germany, Earth)

Chief Surgeon

Phaser Control Officer

Head Nurse

Other Notable Personnel
Lieutenant, junior grade, Miral, Denobulan/female (Denobula) as a shift helm officer on the ship
Lieutenant, junior grade, Ernst Schrepfermann, human/male (Starbase 11) as a junior engineer on the ship

Disposition of Other Former Senior Staff
Treyva: Will likely be promoted to Commodore and assigned as commanding officer, Starfleet Station, Vulcan.
Sorak: At the end of Ep. 2.02, he was promoted to Captain and assigned as captain of engineering and portmaster, Eridani Shipyards, Vulcan (which will eventually make him Treyva's de facto second-in-command again).
Tobin: Will likely be promoted to Commander and assigned as chief of astrosciences (and de facto commanding officer), Betreka Astrosciences Station, at the edge of the Betreka Nebula.
Maria Del Vecchio: Unknown at this time (although there are possible plans for her in a future episode).
Miguel Costaluna: Will likely be promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to an Epsilon communications station as chief of operations (equivalent to first officer).
Cathy Chen: Prior to Ep 2.02, she left Starfleet to become the first mate on her namesake aunt's merchant ship, the Jenny.
Dr. Dourap: I have plans for him later this season.
Casey Kiunya: Will likely be assigned to Starfleet Medical on Earth in an administrative role (which may be his last tour before he retires and returns to his native Alaska).