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Messages - Nolmir

I'll convert over the remaining medical staff, so Casey, Dr. Galt and Nurse Brown.
Episode 2.2: 4

Log entry after Episode 1.13: -1 Presence (9), +1 Control (10)
Milestone after Episode 2.1: +1 Command (3)
Character Arc after Episode 2.2: Add Encryption focus
Tobin grew up on Trill, the son of a writer and a musician. His parents encouraged him to explore the arts, and he eventually became a fine player of the kinor, a Trill instrument similar to the cello. He enjoyed studying great literature and art, but as he grew older, it became apparent his real passion, and talent, lay in mathematics and science. He applied to the Initiate Program, devoting several years of his life to the program, but failed to win a symbiont, leading to a period of depression as he attempted to figure out what he would do with his life.

As his people's ties with the Federation grew and it began to appear inevitable they eventually would join, Tobin latched onto the idea of joining Starfleet, attracted by the challenge it presented. Impulsively, and against his parents' advice, he traveled to Earth at the age of 22 and applied to Starfleet Academy, quickly gaining acceptance, and majored in the sciences. Despite the rigorous coursework, Tobin, who was the only Trill at the Academy (or in Starfleet, as far as he knew) initially found the largest obstacle to be working with the wide variety of students, who hailed from all corners of the Federation and beyond. However, by his sophomore year, he had adapted to, and embraced, this diversity, finding it to be one of Starfleet's greatest strengths.

He graduated from the Academy in 2281, receiving an assignment as a junior science officer aboard the USS Macon, an Oberth-class science vessel assigned to survey systems that had previously received only cursory attention from passing Starfleet vessels. He served on the Macon for six years, rising to the rank of lieutenant and eventually becoming chief science officer under the command of Capt. Prugm bav Gronnahk.

Several months before he was due to transfer off the Macon for several months' leave to visit home on Trill, the ship suffered a catastrophic accident during one of its routine survey missions. While cruising at warp 2, a freak malfunction lead to a cascading failure of the ship's warp drive, quickly escalating out of the crew's ability to contain. All hands reported to the lifeboats, and most made it off the Macon before she was destroyed. Tobin and his good friend Lt. jg. Evan Good, the ship's communications officer, shared a lifeboat, and found themselves adrift for several days before they crash-landed on a barely habitable Class-L planet. Good was injured in the crash, and Tobin, who also was injured, did his best to save his friend while they waited for rescue, but it wasn't enough. By the time rescue vessels found them, Good had died.

Tobin blamed himself, falling back into a period of depression, though he received a promotion to Lieutenant Commander for his efforts to keep Good alive in the survival situation. Tobin reluctantly accepted the promotion, not feeling truly worthy of the honor. After several months of medical treatment and counseling (and a visit home to Trill) following the destruction of the Macon, Lt. Tobin Les returned to active duty, being dispatched to Starbase 24 amid heightened tensions along the Klingon border. Still grieving the loss of his friend and other crewmates, he decided to redouble his efforts, working long hours -- his counselor says it is a (hopefully temporary) coping mechanism for dealing with his grief and feelings of guilt. Regardless, he has received orders to take over as chief science officer aboard the USS Drake.

Average height and build, curly, short black hair and a short, neatly trimmed beard.

Tobin is a focused and dedicated officer, often working in the science labs after the end of his scheduled shift. When he does take time off, he often can be found playing his kinor (a gift from his mother after the Macon was destroyed) in his quarters, as he finds it very relaxing. Very well-read, Tobin tends to use large words in everyday speech. Despite his workaholic tendencies, Tobin does not expect others to work as much as he does, and he generally gets along well with his crewmates and those he supervises. He tends to take a hands-off approach to management, trusting his science officers' skills and dedication.
I'll do Garav, Thadis and York for starters.
Tobin Les

Lieutenant Commander, Starfleet
Chief science officer, USS Drake (NCC-2491)

33-year-old Trill male

Trait: Trill

Control 10
Daring 9
Fitness 8
Insight 9
Presence 9
Reason 11

Conn 2
Command 3
Engineering 3
Medicine 2
Science 5
Security 2

Determination: 1
Stress: 8
Reputation: 4

Astrophysics, Encryption, Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics, Subspace Theory, Survival, Warp Field Dynamics

Stringed Instruments

The wise man knows himself to be a fool
The galaxy's mysteries are meant to be uncovered
A ship's crew is stronger together
Hard work keeps my friends safe

Talents & Abilities
Patient (Species Ability)
When you succeed at a task where you purchased one or more d20s by spending Momentum, you generate 1 bonus Momentum for each d20 purchased. Bonus Momentum may not be saved.

Former Initiate
When you spend Determination to buy a bonus d20 on a Control or Reason task, you may also re-roll the dice pool after the roll.

Cautious (Science)
Whenever you attempt a Task with Science, and you buy one or more d20s by spending Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20.

Intense Scrutiny
Whenever you succeed at a Task using Reason or Control as part of an Extended Task, you ignore any Resistance on that extended task.

Testing a Theory
When you attempt a task using Engineering or Science, the first bonus d20 you purchase is free, so long as you succeeded at a previous task covering the same scientific or technological field earlier in the same adventure. If you created a trait that represents a hypothesis about an unknown phenomenon, you may also re-roll one d20 on tasks related to that hypothesis.

Chief Science Officer: When you succeed at a task assisted by the ship's Sensors or Computers, or a task using a tricorder or other sensing device, you may ask one additional question as if you had spent Momentum on Obtain Information.
OOC: Looks like two successes!

For Tobin's milestone, I'd like to do the following:

Normal Milestone effect: Nothing jumps out here. I think I'll save this one for later.

Spotlight Milestone effect: Swap in the Cautious (Science) Talent for Studious. He got a bit headstrong on wanting to take Kavoran down, and Spunkmeyer's near-death shook him enough to be more cautious in the future.

Arc Milestone effect: I'd like to add a Focus. How about Encryption? Useful both for encrypting messages and understanding how to decrypt messages, computer systems and the like.
OOC: Reputation roll, Difficulty 1, Privilege 1-2, Responsibility 19-20:
Rolled 2d20 : 5, 3, total 8
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 30, 2024, 01:06:50 AMTobin
"Then it is appropriate that I have already transmitted my request." Her eyes shine with affection as she extends the index and middle finger in his hand, and raises them up in an invitation for her to join him.

Tobin completes his half of the gesture. "You've always had excellent judgment, my jia'ta vay dorun'shee*." He grins. "It seems you always know what is best long before I have realized it myself."

OOC: *Meaning "source of wisdom" in Trill, it was a term of endearment he used for T'Kalla before and during their former courtship aboard the Macon.
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 22, 2024, 03:27:27 PMTobin
T'Kalla's eyebrow raises a scant millimeter when he takes her hand, but she squeezes his gently, indicating she appreciates the gesture. "A billet has opened on Starbase 11 for a system design engineering officer. And, as I still maintain my affiliation and rank, logic dictates that it would benefit our relationship if I were assigned to the Drake's home station." Her tone is neutral, but the look in her eyes is hopeful. "Would this be pleasing to you, Tobin?"

Tobin smiles. "It would be very pleasing to able to spend more time in your company. I have never regretted my decision to join Starfleet, but the work does tend to make such things difficult. This arrangement would help with that." After pausing a beat, he leans closer and continues in a playful tone, "And I'm sure this isn't all about just us, either. I know how much you loved being where the action is."

He meets her eyes with his. "Seriously, T'Kalla, this sounds like a wonderful idea. With your knowledge and skills, I'm sure the commodore will see the logic of bringing you aboard."
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 18, 2024, 02:14:28 PMTobin
"You acquitted yourself admirably," T'Kalla-Nahs says to the science officer as she absentmindedly straightens out his uniform cuffs with her good hand. "My mother commented that you could have a career in law enforcement. I reminded her your talent in and knowledge of multiple scientific fields have you exactly where you need to be."

"Well, the principles of inquiry can be applied in many fields," he responds with a slight smile. "But I do believe you're right -- I am where I need to be," he adds, gently taking her hand in his.

Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 18, 2024, 02:14:28 PMHer expression remains neutral, save for a slight bit of affection behind her eyes as she continues, "My apologies for the non-sequitur, but what do you know of Commodore Krane and his leadership of Starbase 11?"

Tobin's eyebrows raise at the tangential question. "From what I know of the man, he seems a capable officer. And I believe he has a good sense for people. My understanding is that when they retired the old Drake, he was instrumental in keeping the crew together. Now that I'm part of that crew, it's quite clear to me he made the right call.

"Why do you ask?"

OOC: I'll edit if there's something Tobin would know about Krane that I've forgotten.
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 04, 2024, 01:59:02 PM"It is becoming clear that continued questioning will yield little further insight," T'Vaana-Sath steeples her fingers. "Regardless, I will be filing a notice of emotional compromise once a judge has been assigned to this case."

Tobin looks troubled as he nods in the direction of the solicitor. "I agree, T'Vaana-Sath. Kavoran has admitted his guilt and explained his motivation, even if I still do not fully understand it. Please convey my greetings to your daughter, in the case that you speak to her before I do."

Perhaps T'Kalla can help me understand, he adds silently to himself.

The science officer looks toward the monk. "I cannot in any way condone what you have done, Kavoran. Nevertheless, I do hope you someday find peace."

"If you have no further questions, Lt. Cole?"
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on October 23, 2024, 12:30:16 PMInterrogation Room
"I have laid out the logic of my reasoning, and yet you still cannot see!" Kavoran's voice gains an intensity, even as his volume remains level. "They are the vanguard - the agitators of the very genocide I am trying to prevent!"

"I am trying to understand, Kavoran," Tobin replies evenly. "But your allegations of plans for genocide run so entirely counter to all my experience with your people since joining Starfleet that I find the idea hard to accept. What specifically was it that convinced you of this 'increased animosity?'"
"So your action was to kill the speakers at the LSAS conference. Why them?" Tobin asks. "I'm sure there are scores of equally or more prominent Surakian leaders you could have targeted."
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on October 07, 2024, 04:13:17 PM"I have advised my client against answering questions at this time, but he says he wishes to cooperate," she says, sparing a glance his direction. "You may begin when you're ready."

Tobin nods respectfully to the Vulcan. "Thank you, T'Vaana-Seth."

Quote from: Davy, aka GM on October 08, 2024, 04:05:17 PM"tuJurok is in danger - under dire threat," he replies, his gaze boring through both men in the room. "Your Vulcan should know it; the threat comes from within his own family. They seek to suppress us. Stamp. Us. Out."

"Why now, Kavoran?" Tobin asks neutrally, seeking to conceal the disquiet the monk's demeanor causes him. "tuJurok and tuSurak have been in tension for many years, have they not? Why did you choose now to kill?"
Tobin stares at Kavoran over the monitor, then exhales heavily and turns to face the other officers. "Captain, I'd like to take part in the interrogation. What Kavoran has done contradicts everything I thought I knew about Vulcans, several of whom I have come to know quite well since joining Starfleet. I feel that I owe it to them to try to help make sense of this."