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Messages - Chev ch'Valk

OOC: Sorry for the delay!

Current Reputation: 10

Reputation Roll - Roll 2d20 vs Difficulty 1

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d20 : 8, 4, total 12

More OOC: Dice roll hasn't been tampered with, edited to fix the font color.

Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 30, 2024, 01:06:50 AM"No, I don't do much in the way of astrometrics. I spend most of my time in the Astronomy lab, when I'm not at the library computer station on the bridge," Thadis admits. "I'm one of the crew who transferred over from the old Drake - second senior bridge watchstander; Lt. Hodgkin is an anthropologist, so he generally doesn't work the library computer.

"How about you? Are you a xenoliguist or a technical specialist?"

"Astronomy!" replies Chev, slapping the back of his left hand into the palm of his right. "I knew it had something to do with the stars. "Yes, xenolinguistics. I also studied philosophy and anthropology, but mainly as background to how they effect languages from place to place and time to time. Funny you should mention ushaan; I'm trained as well; my Ushaan-tor is back on the ship. Maybe we could do some sparring some time!"
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 22, 2024, 03:27:27 PM"You know, I've always wondered why our cold world bred such a warm and passionate people, yet a warm world like Vulcan would breed such cold people. I'll be glad to see it on our departure angle."

"In that, we are in agreement, Lieutenant," replies Chev with a smirk. "Have you done much astronavigating since joining the crew, sir? Seems like Vulcan's not much of a place to break new ground."
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 18, 2024, 02:14:28 PMLt. Thadis find Chev just as he exits the courtyard.

"I heard we picked up a new Andorian. Ensign ch'Valk, right?" he asks. "Thadis keth Dra. Where does your clan call home?"

"Lt. Dra from...Astrophysics? Sorry, I'm still learning names and assignments. Th'irichev Echib ch'Valk," replies the ensign. "Nice to meet another Andorian, especially after--" he waves his hand to take in their surroundings, "--all this. I can't wait to get back to the ship; I don't think I've ever needed a working air cooling unit and a humidity level above 24% more in my life. Once we get back to the ship I may walk directly into the backup food cooling unit and just sit for a little while." He smils ruefully and shakes his head. "Not to mention being ready to forget all about Vulcan philosophical and religious strife. For a people who project so much self-control, when they snap, they snap loudly, don't they? Anyway. I'm from Lor'Tan. A city boy, born and raised. We lived about 20 minutes from the Atlin Zoological Park, if you're familiar. How about you?"
Ensign Ch'valk curiously regards the call device. "Can we take it with us?" he asks the senior officers. "I shouldn't think it would take long for Engineering to do a complete reverse-engineer of it." He looks around. "Never know, might come in handy!"

OOC: Nothing more from me!
Chev will roll Reason + Science (basic principles) against a TN of 14 to assist.

Rolled 2d20 : 2, 9, total 11
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on October 23, 2024, 12:30:16 PMThe first officer's eyebrow raises a scant millimeter, as the opposite corner of his mouth curls upward by a similar amount. "Perhaps it would be useful for you to contemplate an allegory. Say that a suspected serial murderer has a scan-resistant miniaturized data wafer surgically implanted deep in their body, near or affixed to one or more vital organs, and on that wafer is what you believe to be detail about their motives and other evidence of criminal activity; however, you cannot retrieve the information stored on that wafer without physically removing it from the body.

"At what point do you consider it allowable to forcibly remove that device without a warrant or the suspect's explicit permission?"

Chev ponders the question for a moment before responding: "I would first offer the suspect an opportunity to explain why they have a data wafer implanted near a vital organ. Assuming time is of the essence, since, per your example, a warrant can't be obtained, if the suspect could not provide an adequate explanation, I would beam them from one secure area to another, using the transporter to remove anything non-organic that was not inherent to the suspect's initial buffer pattern."

The Andorian holds up a forestalling hand. "Before you go on about basic civil rights, I'd ask you to consider who implants data wafers in their bodies? It's unlikely that they contain vacation holos or music files, sir. Even you must admit that."
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on October 07, 2024, 04:13:17 PM"For many reasons, Ensign," the voice of Sorak responds as the first officer enters the room. "First, it is no magical truth serum - we have no guarantee that anything we could glean from a meld is true, or necessarily that the subject thinks it is true. Individuals trained in psionic techniques can be quite resistant to mental intrusions.

"Second, it is an invasion of privacy that goes far beyond even a warrantless search. Forceful parsing of information from another mind is a form of torture, and can be quite painful and disquieting; Vulcan law places many restrictions on mind melds as interrogation for just that reason.

"Third, it is an incredibly intimate action. All participants will experience what the others are feeling, including the pain and disquiet of forceful information gathering. It is something that should never be done routinely, even by the strongest and most-experienced practitioners. I would argue our circumstances are nowhere near dire enough to warrant such an intrusion on the suspect's rights."

"One might argue that murder is sufficient justification for lifting relevant data from a suspect's mind," countered Chev, "but I'm here as an observer, and I guess as a student." His tone was flat and as devoid of emotion as any Vulcan's; his gift of languages had given him the ability to shade his voice to match the language, sometimes even the dialect. He'd give nothing of himself away to Sorak.
The Andorian ensign shrugs. "There's little for me to contribute in there either, unless he starts speaking in tongues, and even then I can work from here." He glares at Kavoran through the monitor, as if willing the Vulcan to acknowledge him. He snorts quietly and mutters a word beneath his breath as if it's a curse: "Vulcans." in a louder voice, he asks, "Captain, why not just mind meld with him? If he's innocent he should have nothing to hide."
Quote from: Nolmir on September 22, 2024, 04:15:49 PMOOC: I see no reason to hurry, given that Spunkmeyer is stabilized. Makes sense to me to get him an advocate and interrogate him back at the ship.

OOC: I agree with the agreement, but can we leave the shuttle running just in case we need to make a fast escape, and also to keep the intakes from getting jammed again?
The Andorian ensign looks down at the prisoner, cocking his head slightly to one side before saying in Vulcan, "I too wonder what logic drove you to this action. I am not being facetious, I truly do wonder. I have never known a Vulcan to act out of haste, or impulse, or passion, so surely there must be a reason for your actions. Is it a good one?"
Watching the more experienced crew is a learning experience for the Andorian ensign, one he is taking full advantage of. With no set task before him, Chev is content to observe (OOC: Playing off that "Shuns the Limelight" Value).

Still, he wishes to remain active on the scene, so he keeps his phaser trained on the team's captured suspect (OOC: Playing off that "Never Trust a Vulcan" Value).
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on July 24, 2024, 02:43:12 PMOOC: A Move Minor action allows you to move anywhere in Medium Range (1 Zone); however, you can instead take the Sprint action, which requires a Fitness + Security task vs. Difficulty 0. If successful, you move 1 Zone, and can spend Momentum to move additional Zones (1 Momentum per additional Zone). So, a Success and spending 1 Momentum will have Chev catch up with the rest of his team.

OOC: Got it. Well then...

Chev sprints down the corridor, looking to catch up with the rest of the team and offer any assistance he can.

OOC: Fitness 10 + Security 4 with a Difficulty of 0

Rolled 2d20 : 8, 12, total 20

Hearing what sounds like a fight going on, Chev abandons his post at the entrance to the secret door and moves down the corridor to investigate, phaser drawn.

OOC: No combat action from me, just movement while I try to close the distance to where the action is.
Recognizing that getting the entire away team together in a narrow corridor behind a secret panel could potentially be a trap set to herd them into an ambush, Chev remains at the bookcase entrance to the passage, facing the study with his phaser drawn, in the event Kavoran tries to close the panel behind the team.