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Messages - Renny

In response to Davy's PM, I've updated the 2e character post for Cole to add previous milestones and adjusted reputation down to 3 on the character sheet as his rep hasn't changed following this past mission.

I've not kept episode logs and so haven't taken any advancement from that. I've printed out the log sheet from the new core book and will write up a log from this past mission and add it to the writeup when done. Next I'll start on converting some of the supporting characters as requested

Spotlight Milestone - Reduce Presence by 1, Increase Control by 1
Normal Milestone - Apply change of Focus for Ally Banks - Change Hand Phasers to Combat Medic

I'm game. I'll make a start on the security characters in the next week or so.
Durham Cole

Lieutenant, UFP Starfleet
Chief of Security, U.S.S. Drake, NCC-2491
Operations Department

34 year old Human male
Born: 10th July 2254 (Terran calendar), Brisbane, Australia, Earth

Durham Cole was born in Australia on Earth. He followed a childhood sweetheart into Starfleet and soon found an
aptitude for security and a career that he had not expected. He spent time on the Klingon border, seeing more than his share of action and rising to a position on the USS Lexington. He suffered a serious injury during a diplomatic mission, which resulted in the loss of his lower left leg. After a period of recuperation, Cole is ready to return to duty as the Chief Of Security of the USS Drake.

TRAITS: Human, Starfleet Officer, Prosthetic Leg


Control: 9
Daring: 10
Fitness: 12
Insight: 9
Presence: 8
Reason: 8


Command: 3
Conn: 3
Security: 5
Science: 1
Medicine: 3

Determination: 1
Stress: 12
Reputation: 3

- Healthy body, healthy mind.
- Trust is a commodity to be valued.
- Go with the gut.
- The safety of the crew is my top priority.

Animal Handling, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Shipboard Tactical Systems, Ground Tactics, Hand Phasers, Meditation

PASTIME: Keeping fit.


uses one of his values to spend or gain Determination,
he may also add 1 Momentum to the group pool.

MEAN RIGHT HOOK: Lieutenant Cole's Unarmed Strike
Attack gains the Intense quality.

DAUNTLESS: Whenever another character attempts to
intimidate or threaten Cole, he may suffer 2 Stress to
ignore their attempt.

QUICK TO ACTION: During the first round of any combat,
you and your allies may ignore the normal cost to Keep
the Initiative.

CLOSE PROTECTION: When Cole makes a successful
Attack, he may spend 1 Momentum to protect a single
ally within Close range. The next Attack against that ally
before the start of your next turn increases in Difficulty
by 1.


The chief of security oversees the ship's security department and is responsible for ensuring the safety of the ship and crew during missions, for the investigation of disciplinary and criminal matters, and for overseeing the protection of important persons aboard the ship.
-  ROLE BENEFIT: You reduce the opportunity cost of weapons and security teams by 1, to a minimum of 0. Further, when you succeed at an Attack against an enemy during personal combat, you may spend 1 Momentum to increase the Difficulty of that enemy's next Attack by 1.

Quote from: Patrick Goodman on December 17, 2024, 08:39:53 PMThen he should absolutely get that extra d20.

OOC: Thanks Skipper!!
OOC: I believe that is a success
OOC: Aye sir!

Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7

OOC: No successes for Cole there unfortunately.
Hi. Can't think of anything for Cole to do with his milestone at the moment.

Reputation Roll - Roll 2d20 vs Difficulty 1

Rolled 2d20 : 13, 16, total 29
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 30, 2024, 01:06:50 AMCole
Quote from: Renny on November 25, 2024, 02:27:45 PM"I'm very sorry for your loss, mate, "Cole replies. "I'm sure she would have found...satisfaction in your achievement." Cole hoped the word was appropriate, realising that pride was not something a Vulcan would likely admit to.

"T'Syra was supportive of my attempt," Sadek nods. "And your condolences are appreciated."

The boy looks to his parents for a moment and asks, "Would you be willing to join my parents and me for supper this evening? I must admit that I would prefer to discuss subjects other than my sister this evening - and I wish to share my experiences of the remainder of my trial with you."

Cole is somewhat taken aback by this invitation, knowing that Vulcan's are reluctant, as a rule, to allow humans in particular to observe thier family life and interactions.

"I would like that very much", he replied simply.
Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 22, 2024, 03:27:27 PMCole
Quote from: Renny on November 18, 2024, 04:31:46 PM"G'day, Sadek. It's good to see you again. How did your..." he pauses, searching his memory for the correct word..."kahs-wan turn out?"

"I would normally say it is pleasurable to see you again, Durham Cole," the young Vulcan answers, "but little is pleasing on this day."

The woman with him explains, "Subaltern T'Syra was our daughter, and his sister." Cole, of course, recognizes T'Syra as the name of the VDF pilot who shuttled Thadis to the research center and was later killed by Kavoran.

Cole can see a hint of sadness in her eyes, and also in the eyes of the male - presumably her mate and Sadek's father.

"Peace and long life, Durham Cole," the father greets him, raising his hand in the traditional salute. "I am Sturm, and this is my mate, Ki'Matar. Sadek informed us how he met you during his encounter with the sehlat. We are both grateful for your timely presence and assistance.

Sadek nods and meets the lieutenant's eyes. "I successfully completed my kahs-wan yesterday. I learned of T'Syra's fate when I returned home."

Cole makes his best attempt at replicating Sturm's gesture before turning his gaze to Sadek.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, mate, "Cole replies. "I'm sure she would have found...satisfaction in your achievement." Cole hoped the word was appropriate, realising that pride was not something a Vulcan would likely admit to.

Quote from: Davy, aka GM on November 18, 2024, 02:14:28 PMCole
The security officer files out of the courtroom and is surprised to see a familiar form exit the doors on the other side. Flanked by a pair of adult Vulcans who could only be his parents, Sadek meets Cole's eyes with recognition, and the boy says something to the others, who shift their attention to Cole.

Cole hesitates for a brief moment, debating whether or not the young Vulcan would welcome his greeting but his curiosity is piqued and so he walks across the chamber towards the other group. He approaches the Vulcans with a gentle smile on his face, but stops at a respectful distance.

"G'day, Sadek. It's good to see you again. How did your..." he pauses, searching his memory for the correct word..."kahs-wan turn out?"
OOC: I'm ok with leaving this as it is.
"No sir", Cole says quietly, "I'm satisfied that we have the right man in custody."